Joseph Mallan, on 13 February 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:
I can attest to that on both sides. Now that Lagshield is gone, I've been party of an 8man drop. My 3L, and a Steiner Scout Lance (all heavies and assaults), quickly murdered a flock of 6 3L. I also have tunnel visioned on an opponent and he kited me back to their team, my poor RVN-3L didn't have anything left of it.
On the other end, I was in my 4N 6LL Stalker last night, I hit two 3L's with all 6 lazers on the rear CT, They went down easily after that blasted 3L on our team sole my kills!

The point is If you get caught in a 4v1 with out a way to get back to your team, you're doing something very wrong and deserve to die. It does not matter if the 4v1 is Command's, Spiders, or anything.