A battle is won when no enemy mechs remain (obviously).
If the winning team wants to destroy the enemy completely, they'd have to be quick about it. They'd probably get careless and rush into a trap. A retreat could be feigned. I know this favors fast mechs (so does capping), but in 8 vs. 8 and 12 vs. 12 matches, real rearguard battles could ensue, as lighter mechs might try to guard heavier ones off the battlefield against enemy lights.
This would depict a real battle in the most realistic way, as there are no abstract mechanics like magical basecap/resource win. It would probably make people happy who are disappointed with those mechanics or interested in a more realistic, lore-oriented experience. After all, a MechCommander who realizes that a battle is lost, would try to tactically retreat his forces (in the IS anyway...)
Those who don't like it wouldn't have to play it (i never play conquest).
Just an idea, tell me what you think about it. If many of you like this idea, i might repost this in the suggestions forum (i might anyway