Don't know, probably have this one on there.
Is there a client for Mac on here or are you planning to make one?

Mac Support
Started by Segitros, Feb 19 2013 08:01 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:01 PM
Posted 20 February 2013 - 01:04 AM
no, same for MW:tactics
afaik, MicroSoft doesn´t want mechwarrior to run on apple
(well actually you can circumvent this issue for tactics if i know right,since it is browser/ unity based and not so much dependend on the OS)
afaik, MicroSoft doesn´t want mechwarrior to run on apple
(well actually you can circumvent this issue for tactics if i know right,since it is browser/ unity based and not so much dependend on the OS)
Edited by Adrienne Vorton, 20 February 2013 - 01:07 AM.
Posted 20 February 2013 - 07:23 AM
Segitros, on 19 February 2013 - 08:01 PM, said:
Don't know, probably have this one on there.
Is there a client for Mac on here or are you planning to make one?
Is there a client for Mac on here or are you planning to make one?
From Paul Inouye, Lead Designer for MechWarrior Online:
We stated Day 1 that this was a PC exclusive title and that we had no intentions of moving it to other platforms.
CryENGINE 3 relies heavily on DirectX which does not run on a Mac. Yes, there's the dual boot option but we will not be supporting MWO running on a Windows partition on a Mac. If you choose to run the game like that, it's completely up to you but we will not be actively supporting those who do.
CryENGINE 3 relies heavily on DirectX which does not run on a Mac. Yes, there's the dual boot option but we will not be supporting MWO running on a Windows partition on a Mac. If you choose to run the game like that, it's completely up to you but we will not be actively supporting those who do.
Also: PGI's specific sub-license to the MechWarrior franchise does not extend to non-Microsoft platforms (a restriction put in place by Microsoft, who is still the ultimate license holder for the MechWarrior video games); listen to Byran Ekman (PGI Creative Director and Co-Founder) explain the rights situation in the "No Guts, No Galaxy" podcast #44 (starting at the 25:24 mark).
However, a later statement in the same podcast (starting at the 26:07) indicates that, in contrast to PGI, Personae Studios (producing MechWarrior Tactical Command) does have rights to produce MW products for Apple platforms but does not have rights to produce MW products for Microsoft platforms.
More specifically:
- Piranha Games (the company making MechWarrior Online) has the rights, by virtue of their license to the franchise to make MechWarrior games for Microsoft platforms (PC, XBox, etc), but their license covers only those platforms.
- Personae Studios (the company making MechWarrior Tactical Command) has the rights, by virtue of their license to the franchise (which is separate from that of Piranha Games) to make MechWarrior games for certain other platforms (including Apple products), but not those platforms covered by Piranha Games' license.
(In a broader sense, the rights to the rest of the BattleTech universe (printed media, TT-related products, etc) belong to some combination of The Topps Company, Smith & Tinker, and Catalyst Game Labs.)
As the licenses are ultimately legal agreements, that means that Piranha (one company) and Personae (another company) are legally bound to observe and adhere to the terms of their respective (and separate) licenses.
So, in addition to the technical issue (dependency on DirectX), there are also legal issues that would prevent MWO from being released natively for Apple platforms.
('Twould perhaps be better to listen to the podcast itself (the link is included in this very post) and hear Mr. Ekman explain it in his own words...?)
Edited by Strum Wealh, 20 February 2013 - 10:36 AM.
Posted 20 February 2013 - 10:10 AM
Mac support... hahahahaha... lol... oh good lord that's a good one. Wait, you serious?
Microsoft owns MechWarrior, why would they help Apple Mac users? Apple ate their lunch in the moble space.
MW:O is DirectX9 based and soon to support DirectX11... who the hell want to make games using OpenGL?
Mac OS is maybe 3% of the market, where's the benefit of supporting it?
A second OS would mean at least 50% more development costs and twice the QA cost, really not worth it for such a tiny market.
Microsoft owns MechWarrior, why would they help Apple Mac users? Apple ate their lunch in the moble space.
MW:O is DirectX9 based and soon to support DirectX11... who the hell want to make games using OpenGL?
Mac OS is maybe 3% of the market, where's the benefit of supporting it?
A second OS would mean at least 50% more development costs and twice the QA cost, really not worth it for such a tiny market.
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