- Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection Reward -
Eligibility Conditions
You must have purchased any Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection since January 1st 2015 12:01 AM PST (8:01 AM UTC).
Deadline for Eligibility
October 20th 2015 at 10:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM UTC).
Zeus ZEU-9S2 Loyalty Variant (featuring a brand new Armor Style and 30% C-Bill Boost)
+1 MechBay.
Reward Injection Date
Starting October 6th at 10:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM UTC).
•Eligible Collections: Resistance 1 Wrath Collection; Resistance 2 Mauler Collection; owning at least two of the following three Collector Packs:UrbanMech; Marauder; Warhammer.
•This Zeus Loyalty Variant will only be available through the Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection Reward program. The Standard version of this Zeus variant will be available for MC and C-Bills at a future date, to be determined.
- Top-Tier Clan Collection Reward -
Eligibility Conditions
You must have purchased any Top-Tier Clan Collection since January 1st 2015 12:01 AM PST (8:01 AM UTC).
Deadline for Eligibility
October 20th 2015 at 10:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM UTC).
Executioner EXE-C Loyalty variant (featuring a brand new Armor Style and 30% C-Bill Boost)
+1 MechBay.
Reward Injection Date
Starting October 6th at 10:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM UTC).
Eligible Collections: Wave 1 Masakari Collection; Wave 2 Man-O-War Collection; Wave 3 Gladiator Collection; Origins IIC Highlander Collection.
This Executioner Loyalty Variant will only be available through the Top-Tier Clan Collection Reward. The Standard version of this Executioner variant will be available for MC and C-Bills at a future date, to be determined.
Important Information for all Customer Appreciation Rewards
- An additional eligibility criteria has been made available for the Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection Reward:
- If you own 2 of the following IS packages top-tier UrbanMech Collector Pack, Marauder Collector Pack, Warhammer you will qualify for receiving the Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection Reward.
- Reward eligibility for Collections acquired through Gift Code redemption is determined by the original purchase date of the Gift Code.
- Rewards are provided to the Giftee, not the Gifter.
You can only qualify for each individual Customer Appreciation Reward once.
- These new Loyalty Variant 'Mechs will feature a brand new underlying cosmetic Armor Style that cannot be changed. However, you will be able to apply standard Patterns as an overlaying Pattern.
- Purchases must have been processed by our database no earlier than 12:01 AM PST on January 1st 2015 (8:01 AM UTC) in order to automatically qualify for 2015 Customer Appreciation Reward eligibility.
- If you would like to inquire about your eligibility status for any of the above Customer Appreciation Rewards, please contact accounts@mwomercs.com with your inquiry.