by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Jan 13, 2016 7:00 PM UTC 214  comments

Greetings MechWarriors,

We hope you are enjoying the Like a Champion Mark III event! Just wanted to drop a note here to let you know the scoring is now 100% accurate.
First I want you to know I personally tested the scoring when this event when live. I had a solid match in my meta BJ-1X getting 3 KMDD, surviving and winning the match. I earned 3 points and was quite pleased with myself. (I'm Tier 4 so, not a humble brag)
Initially, we noticed the event page was not an accurate reflection of the event scoring system. This was fixed Thursday and all was good in the land.
Then we(you) noticed that KMDD was not counting when players had died and started spectating. 
This morning we ran a stealth fix on the dedicated servers to address this issue. Again all is now good in the land.
Now this event is now firing on all cylinders. 
Unfortunately, it is not retroactive. (Boo!) 
If you are still working your way to earning your prizes do so with confidence. (Yay!)

This event has a bumpy start. However, I am really liking the new scoring mode, Kill Most Damage Dealt circumvents kill stealing nicely and lets players earn more that one point per match. (something you have been asking for)

Anyways, that's it from me. 
What are you doing still reading this? 
Don't just stand there get back out there and prove you have what it takes to play...Like a Champion. 

Matt Newman