bentron, on 22 February 2013 - 04:39 AM, said:
You're making two inaccurate assumptions though. First, that all mechs and variants of a given weight class are equal given equal pilot skill (which is objectively false), and second, that all pilots pilot a single mech of a given weight class such that their Elo rating in that weight class is representative not only of their pilot and gunnery skill, but of their loadout choices.
I can see how you might get that, didn't clarify particularly well. I'm not saying that pilot ELO is representative of a given loadout choice, I'm saying it is representative of a player's loadout choices. A player of ELO score X will no doubt be better when he drops in his Catapult than his Dragon, but his actual ELO will reflect the odds of you facing him in either (in this two-mech example, it would be an average based more or less on number of matches in each mech). If he decides to play in his Catapult for a week his ELO will probably trend up slightly, if he decides to play in a Dragon it will probably trend down. However your
exact ELO doesn't actually matter, since the bracket the matchmaker draws opponents from is fairly wide (and gets wider as the queue gets longer), and unless the aforementioned pilot takes to running a 4SLAS, 2MG K2 for a week he'll probably continue to see the same opponents. A pilot who consistently plays higher-end loadouts will, over time, accrue more wins and ergo have a higher ELO. Working as intended, essentially.
bentron, on 22 February 2013 - 04:39 AM, said:
I may be oversimplifying how the matchmaker is supposed to work (or even be completely off), but my point is that nobody wants to be on the team with a Raven 4X and Spider 5K when the other side has two 3Ls. Especially when all 16 pilots have roughly the same Elo ranking (as is the ideal). To avoid that scenario, you have to take mech/variant and equipment into account during the matching process.
Presuming you wished to (see above) It's impossible to do fairly from outside the system. Tonnage doesn't work, since the 4X and 3L weigh the same, while the former is manifestly inferior, even with both pimped out (hell, even with the 3L not taking ECM). So if actual tonnage doesn't work, we just assign a 'BV' to chassis/equipment, right? The problem is, we don't, PGI do - and game designers are never particularly good at admitting when certain of their designs are crap. Even if we did, we'd not agree - see any other the umpteen weapon balance threads. That imperfection would leave the system open to gaming. It would also increase the viability of boating, since 6 of weapon X is
generally superior to 3 of X, 2 of Y and 1 of Z. Relying on the summed-into-ELO effect might not be perfect, but an administrated alternative is worse. The point of ELO is that it is purely win/loss dependent and ergo takes into account
all factors (admittedly with poor resolution, but that's the price).
Diablobo, on 22 February 2013 - 05:55 AM, said:
Given two pilots of equal Elo rating, the one in the better mech is going to win more often than would be reflected by their ratings.
And therefore have a higher ELO.
Edited by Gaan Cathal, 22 February 2013 - 08:31 AM.