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Prediction For Tournament Results.

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#41 sycocys


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:05 AM

The problem for the 3L isn't in the net-rewind or lack there-of.

It's in the hit box, damage transfer, and damage registering specific to however you handle it on the 3L.

If it was purely on the netcode all of the other fast light mechs would be taking massive damage and not getting scratched as well, but this is an issue with a single chassis.

-- additionally this isn't about it having ecm and/or streaks - the 3L is the best mech in the game because it doesn't take damage correctly which is piled onto by it having those things.

Edited by sycocys, 22 February 2013 - 11:09 AM.

#42 hammerreborn


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:05 AM

View PostSteel Will, on 22 February 2013 - 10:59 AM, said:

My prediction? A weekend of immense frustration for newbies, casual players, people trying to level their TBT's, and anyone not dropping in RVN-3L's or Splatcats. Have fun everyone.

I'll be alternating my 2 Jenner Ds (founders mainly for the sexy sexy C-bill bonuses this weekend) and my other with my awesome guady paintjob for when my other jenner is stuck in a match. I don't typically quit matches before they are done but with limited playtime on the weekend I may have ot make an exception.

#43 Sug


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:09 AM

"For the Light, Medium, Heavy, and Assault Champion challenges we are using an aggregate score that weighs Win/Loss Ratio, Kills, Kill Assists, Capture Assists, Spotting Assists, and Games Played."

I almost think adding Kills/Assits to the scoring is a mistake. You're simultaneously rewarding killstealers and people that run around shooting every enemy once to get 8 assists.

#44 Ryokens leap


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:09 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 February 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:

Ouch? Was that necessary?

Ravens will enjoy some indirect nerfing in March with some new server improvements. Looking forward to seeing the impact.

Sorry brother but people are getting fed up. We've been waiting for an ECM/ streak fix for many patch cycles. The PPC adjustment just won't do it. It's not Cicadas nor DDCs, it's 3ls and 2ds with streaks and quintuple armour( an exaggeration) Ravens. PPCs should affect all comms and targeting systems for 4 seconds not just ECM. Not trying to be a hater, but we want it to be a success and be around with a strong community for a long time. Negative community was what kept me out of MMLL and look where it is. I do love this game and it does get better with each patch, but some things need to be pulled off the back burner and addressed before too many people walk away.

#45 Kyutaru


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:13 AM

View Postsycocys, on 22 February 2013 - 10:44 AM, said:

Bryan, with all due respect, have a look at how the 3L is actually functioning in the game. It regularly takes upwards of 800 or more damage. So the actual results of the tournament have little to no effect on what the in-game leader of all the mechs is. Until it takes damage like the rest of the light mech chassis' again it's really a no contest victory for the 3L, whether you designed a system that includes the rest of the weight classes in judgement for your contest or not.

Which totally explains how I've not only been one-shot by an AC20 before, but routinely have all my armored stripped off with a single PPC shot to the back. The people who think ravens take tons of damage are either using missiles or lasers, and neither is necessarily hurting an extremely mobile target as much as you think it is. My SSRM2s destroy ravens easily because they don't actually miss. Four salvos of dual SSRM2s do 40 damage, not 800, yet the Raven is dead.

#46 shintakie


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:14 AM

View PostSug, on 22 February 2013 - 11:09 AM, said:

"For the Light, Medium, Heavy, and Assault Champion challenges we are using an aggregate score that weighs Win/Loss Ratio, Kills, Kill Assists, Capture Assists, Spotting Assists, and Games Played."

I almost think adding Kills/Assits to the scoring is a mistake. You're simultaneously rewarding killstealers and people that run around shooting every enemy once to get 8 assists.

Eh, spotting assists are pointless as well since the only actual criteria for a spot assist is to target a mech thats shot by LRM's. You dont even have to be near the target, or have been the one to spot the target. Just hit R all the time and wait for someone to fire some LRM at them, bam...spot assist.

I am glad that captures are actually rewarded though

#47 Drexorn


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:14 AM

It seems like it's not so much a tournament, as it is a rush to see how many games you can get in this weekend.

#48 Trauglodyte


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:16 AM

View PostJoe Kid, on 22 February 2013 - 10:33 AM, said:

A more realistic prediction.

Overall- Raven 3L
Assault - Stalker 3F
Heavy - Catapult K2 (Changed to A1 when reminded about a Splatcats nasty ability to Kill Steal)
Medium - Hunchback 4SP
Light - Raven 3L

I agree with the intent of your post the 3L is the most OP mech right now, I Hate them and do not own one, though I pilot lights all the time. The best fix for them is to bring back collisions, IMO. Then any light will need serious skills to play again, oh how i miss that.

Edit to change Heavy from K2 to A1

Its ironic that all of those chassis listed (excluding the K2) are missile dominant. Kind of makes you wonder what weapon system is most potent in this game, doesn't it? Hrm...

#49 Kyutaru


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:21 AM

View PostTrauglodyte, on 22 February 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

Its ironic that all of those chassis listed (excluding the K2) are missile dominant. Kind of makes you wonder what weapon system is most potent in this game, doesn't it? Hrm...

No, no it does not, because it was already obvious to anyone who has played the game more than five minutes.

#50 Wildstreak


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:31 AM

OP, we'll never know, check the listings, they only list player names, not Mech used. Probably because players can use different Mechs in battles.

#51 Silverghost26


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:40 AM

View PostSteven Dixon, on 22 February 2013 - 10:33 AM, said:

Only Founders get access to the Luck Tab :D , I agree that the 3L is tough to take on as a fellow light, but come on they really aren't that difficult when you're in a bigger mech unless the pilot is really good (or you have a lot of lag).

3L is a good mech but, I hit a stationary one with 2 gausses, 3 times this morning... didn't even penetrate the center torso armor... I mean that would have punched through an Atlas's armor so... there does seem to be a bit of an issue there is all I'm saying.

#52 sycocys


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

View PostKyutaru, on 22 February 2013 - 11:13 AM, said:

Which totally explains how I've not only been one-shot by an AC20 before, but routinely have all my armored stripped off with a single PPC shot to the back. The people who think ravens take tons of damage are either using missiles or lasers, and neither is necessarily hurting an extremely mobile target as much as you think it is. My SSRM2s destroy ravens easily because they don't actually miss. Four salvos of dual SSRM2s do 40 damage, not 800, yet the Raven is dead.

And these situations did happen last patch when you could actually kill a 3L. Several times I have watched 3+ people bombard the S out of one and all 4 of them end up dead and out of ammo, while the 3L gets 4 kills and barely touched armor.

When 3L's could actually be killed with a reasonable amount of shooting, people stopped playing them because they are not that much better than most of the other light mechs. But when you have situations like silverghost - 6 gauss shots doesn't even clear the outer armor... the 3L is essentially invincible. The damage -not- registering on this mech is far and away the norm on this patch.

Add in a tourney where 1 mech is leagues above every other mech in its weight class(not to mention every other) because of this, and the affect that will have on the other 3 weight classes as people compete for a decent rank in lights and you've got a recipe for probably the worst single weekend of game-play this game has seen to date.

#53 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:46 PM

For the LRM conspirator-theorists... neither of the chasis suggested above are the ones with the best potential for LRMs in their class.

Raven: Streak + ECM for the win
Hunchback: SRM6 + lasers for the win
Cat: Twin AC20 or SRM boating for the win
Stalker: PPC boating.

My thoughts:
Lights: Probably the Raven
Medium: There are better SRM builds than the SP - class is pretty open (Cent, Treb... Hunch outsider to me)
Heavy: Worried that the SRM Cat will dominate, though there are some decent 'Pract builds out there
Assault: Sniper stalkers are deadly, SRM stalkers are deadly, but how can you go wrong with an ECM Atlas?

#54 Bilbo


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:35 PM

View PostThontor, on 22 February 2013 - 01:27 PM, said:

Question about the scoring rules for the overall leader board... I see it takes your ranking in all classes into account, does that mean you have to actually play all the classes to have any chance at a decent overall rank on that board? What is your "Light Rank" if you don't play lights for example...

If there are 4000 players and you don't pilot the light, your rank would be: (4000 - (Number of players who have played a match in a light))
You and everyone else who hasn't played a match in a light will have the lowest score possible in the light class.

Edited by Bilbo, 22 February 2013 - 01:35 PM.

#55 Vasces Diablo


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:35 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 February 2013 - 10:37 AM, said:

It's not possible for the Raven to take top overall. :P Have a look at the scoring rules.

Unless of course, a mech from each weight class is piloted by a Raven 3L.

#56 Wispsy


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:46 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 February 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:

It does not carry a high weight. Just enough to help make a better average score over greater matches weigh better than a player who comes in, plays 10 of the best matches ever and walks away.

Yes that was a brutal run on sentence.. :P

So as people are being ranked according to their score on the tournaments page. Does this mean if you start to play too many games your score will go down? Or just that you can get a really high score with a relatively few number of games, or play like a maniac to make up for it?

#57 Bilbo


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:47 PM

View PostThontor, on 22 February 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:

If that's true, it is as I expected... Encouraging people to play all of the classes.

So the more people that play a class, the lower your "rank" would be for that class if you don't play it.

No matter what, your better off playing a class than not...

Time to buy a light mech I guess :D

I haven't piloted one in months, myself.
Just be glad we won't have to jump into the deep end right from the start. +1 for Elo. :P

#58 sycocys


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:36 PM

At the end of the day, it will NOT be possible to win, or rank high unless you pilot a Raven 3L. With it's armor apparently at the value of 2 atlases it's really the only choice.

So in that sense the Raven 3L will be the overall champion, because it will be the only mech that is required to run for victory.

I do find it rather awesome that instead of addressing some of these issues, Bryan made a joke then a comment about a net-code improvement that won't fix this issue and bailed. Really helpful.

#59 Oni Ralas


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:57 PM

I'd pay money to knock over lights. There is no reason that, even w/o knockdown, that they shouldn't take HUGE damage when being struck by a superior mass mech. They anoy the **** out of me. As do any cheese mechs.

#60 Grimlox


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:57 PM

View Postsycocys, on 22 February 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:

At the end of the day, it will NOT be possible to win, or rank high unless you pilot a Raven 3L. With it's armor apparently at the value of 2 atlases it's really the only choice.

So in that sense the Raven 3L will be the overall champion, because it will be the only mech that is required to run for victory.

I do find it rather awesome that instead of addressing some of these issues, Bryan made a joke then a comment about a net-code improvement that won't fix this issue and bailed. Really helpful.

I kill plenty of 3L's with my AC20. I also don't feel invincible while piloting my 3L. I feel the 3L can ezmode any other light out there 1v1 but when I'm in a medium or bigger mech I don't fear a lone 3L at all.

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