Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:29 AM
Capellan Confederation, folks - the only Successor State in the Inner Sphere where each and every subject born within its borders is a slave from birth! Don't spend your entire life working ceaselessly and selflessly towards the Good of House Liao, no matter what the cost to you or yours? NO LEGAL RIGHTS FOR JOO! Heh...suppose that's what you get when your fluff is written by people who still remember what the whole Yellow Menace dealie was about and who needed a bad-guy Successor State somewhere in the mix. Though the Combine and House Kurita certainly got their share of that before the whole Victor/Hohiro bromance, eh?
...they do have rock-solid tech people, though. That ECM thing that everyone's been going on about for forever is basically magical AoE Stealth Armor, and even just normal Stealth Armor is pretty awesome. That and the Capellans were on the way towards reinventing the original Guardian system themselves before the Gray Death Legion managed to make ComStar very unhappy. Sucks about that whole Cataphract thing, too. One of the first original* designs since the fall of the Star League, such a clever solution to the whole nothing-bigger-than-a-Vindicator issue...and the Federated Suns nab the factory before they even get a full production run out of it and turn the design right around. Oh well. At least your poor scientists got the satisfaction of finding a clever solution to needing heavy 'Mechs, Comrades!
Now if only Romano wasn't so fond of executing people for...well, no reason at all. Author bias or not, when one's supreme lord is a crazed paranoid psychopathic tyrant, it just doesn't reflect well on one's hospitality.
*'Original' meaning 'not built by the Star League first'. Considering it's a mutant 'Mech-stew of three other designed bolted together in a manner that has it canonically described as FrankenMech, the term 'original' can be debated.