Jules Gonzales, on 23 February 2013 - 06:51 AM, said:
Not everyone gives a **** about the tournament, so they continue their 4man fun.
I'm actually one of those who in general doesn't. I play FOR the team aspect of the game. I do to much other stuff to be uber-competitive, and never have needed e-peen in my life. For those with the time, more power to them, they will (usually) be better than I am, regardless. The point was that as long as the "Solo" tournament was mixed into the same queue with Full groups, the numbers will never really be valid, as going on a streak with a lot of PUGs on the other side is going to yield much higher stats than facing a team on the other side, hence skewing potential results. It balances
some over the course of the weekend, but not entirely. And it certainly doesn't account for the "solo" syncs popping up. (where people get all the benefits of being on a team, without the disqualification).
Personally, I think this tournament is sort of the exact opposite of what we want to establish in Community Warfare, and if CW is run at ALL intelligently, the ELO stuff will ONLY matter for those not running Contracts in CW anyhow, as the very nature of CW would eliminate the random map/opponent factor.
Regardless, for those enjoying it, more power to them. Hopefully this is a start of finding a way to keep both the Casual Twitchers AND the long haul Meta-gamers happy.