this is a Raven 3L build I have set up in the last...15 minutes

I have not modded it yet and I don't want to spend credits on the wrong points, so I wanted to ask you whether this build seems viable or not.
280XL, DHS, Endo, FF, 2xML, 2xSSRM2, I do not use AMS because I think I don't need it against LRMs at 130kph. BAP is also optional and came with the stock-setup, I'll just try it out, if I don't need it I'll remove it. Same goes with TAG. I have no troubles with space so I chose FF and Endo for the weight needed for the 280XL.
What I want to do mostly is scouting for the team and be able to move around the battlefield fast for quick support for heavies/assaults. Just running behind that atlas, alpha and get the hell out, rinse and repeat.
Are 11 DHS enough if I manage to put 2xMPLS instead of 2xML in it?
EDIT: Link
Edited by Shrouder, 24 February 2013 - 05:35 PM.