For instance: you could install a "Heat Tracking" module and after any match played you would get a text ".dat" file in a pre-set game folder with the heat percentage versus time for the whole match, plus time stamps saying which weapons where fired and when. It could be done client side with no extra server load. I´m pretty sure our community would promptly come out with all sorts of nice little apps to make nice graphs out of it. So PGI wouldn't even have to worry about that.
Other similar things come to my mind: "Damage over time (and location)", "Ammo tracking" and so on.
That would feel very much like working for the NAIS, taking that new possible variant to field testing, with computers gathering all sorts of data. All very cool

edit: the usual (huge) amount of typos/mistakes (pretty sure there are still some left)
Edited by Darkblood, 12 March 2013 - 10:24 AM.