The Exiled, on 26 February 2013 - 04:28 AM, said:
Skilled players will continue to win more and earn more than unskilled players. A skilled player will influence every match they are in, it might not always be enough to win but they will have played thier part. Unskilled players never influence the battle so are nearly always dependant on the skilled players. They could end up on the losing team all the time if the other teams skilled players are just a bit bettter.
THE most skilled players will. Skilled players that are not in the 5% ELO elite will be matched between themselves. They will not earn any more then anyone else outside that 5% elite group. Same way for 'unskilled' players, they are matched between themselves, meaning that some of them will actually influence their matches (unless both teams stand still and do nothing), doing that they'll earn a bit more but their ELO will go up, level of play in next matches will increase, they will be bottom of the list and earn less and ELO will go down. On average they'll be earning same exp/c-bills as anybody else with only exception of the top 100 or so players in the game.
The Exiled, on 26 February 2013 - 04:28 AM, said:
What we have here is a case of 'skilled' players thinking they are actually a lot better than they are becasue a little group play and a tiny bit of skill went a long way to beat uncoordinated pugs. The skilled players are still going to win, why becasue they really are better than you. Those with inflated stats will see their stats drop, not becasue the system makes it unfair for them but becasue in truth they are not as good as those stats suggest. A bitter pill to swallow, but there you have it. So suck it up, and improve to become the skilled player you thought you were and you will find you start to win a lot more games in your 4 man group.
Players base their evaluation of their own skill on PUG games they play. If you end up top of your team in like 80+% of them you are skilled player.