SlXSlXSlX, on 26 February 2013 - 05:14 AM, said:
Thirdstar is right, and im glad hes sharing the burden of arguing against the bads, not bad as in bad @ mechs, but bad as in, wants to farm pubs and enjoy 8/10 matches ending in their favor kinda bad.
Let us imagine for a second that the only way we can play this game is solo.
Then let us take a skilled player, not among the top 100 players in game, but near that in top 10% players. With ELO he will only be matched against players of near same skill level. This will mean that he will win about 50% of his games and lose about 50% of his games.
Now let us take a non-skilled player, one from the bottom 10% of players in game. With ELO he will also be matched against players of near same skill level. This will mean that he will also win about 50% of his games.
In matches that have people of same skill, all memebers of the team on average do about same amount of damage, kills, assists, spotting regardless if players are from top ELO zone, middle ELO zone or botton ELO zone. In turn it means that player that is better then 90% of players in game and a player that is worse then 90% of players in game will be getting same amounts of c-bills and exp, as well as haveing same stats.
Best players in game have all rights to expect that 8 out of 10 games will end up in their favor, worst players in game have no rights to expect that that less then 8 out of 10 games will end up not in their favor. With ELO both types will have 5 out of 10 games ending up in their favor. I fail to see how ELO is fair. Just as I fail to see how people who bring up arguments to show that ELO isn't fair are bad.
What ELO does is encouraging noobiness, no matter how bad you play you will still be winning 50% of your games and you will still be getting same c-bills and exp as everybody else. What people will do is set their mech into afk mode for a day to drop ELO down into worst possible zone, then play for a day, stomping enemy teams practically on their own and getting way more c-bills and exp by doing that. Now tell me, am I bad for not wanting THIS to happen?