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8 Man Snipe Fest

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#1 PureRiffs


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 04:44 AM

So it seems that the flavour of the month for high level play in 8 man seems to be long range battles. PPC’s and Gauss rifles.

I guess this is because of the ecm stopping people from targeting one person and having a brawl where the outcome can be a bit random.

So no I have to deal with jumpjets and PPC builds. I find all maps are too big to push in with short range weapons.

So does this mean everyone on my team must switch to this style of play or has anyone found any other counters to it?

#2 PureRiffs


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 04:54 AM

I wish for once I could post something without getting a sarcastic reply.

I know this dude, I was asking if anyone knows what "adaptation that is" but you know that..

Edited by PureRiffs, 26 February 2013 - 04:55 AM.

#3 KinLuu


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 04:56 AM

The counter to jumpsniping is the same like in MW4. But you wont like it. It is camping behind cover.

#4 TheFuzzyBunny


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:04 AM

Poptart counters:

Use cover and wait and hope that they can't circumvent your cover

Counter snipe. Pop tarts tend to jump straight up to give them the best aim, this also makes them good targets.

Good LRM counter fire. Target the poptart his first time up, don't fire. Hit him again as soon as he crests as you'll get lock quicker. You'll also need to be a bit closer to lower the flight time.

Close with them using cover. Most poptarts are not heat efficient and cannot sustain the rate of fire needed for a good brawl. Typically they will only be able to get two or three alpha shot off before over heating. If you spread your damage well and force the issue you should be able to take them down. Also the 3D is the most common poptart and is susceptible to losing the right torso which takes 2/3 of its weapons out.

#5 Flapdrol


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:07 AM

View PostPureRiffs, on 26 February 2013 - 04:44 AM, said:

So it seems that the flavour of the month for high level play in 8 man seems to be long range battles.

been that way for ages.

#6 warner2


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:09 AM

View PostKinLuu, on 26 February 2013 - 04:56 AM, said:

The counter to jumpsniping is the same like in MW4. But you wont like it. It is camping behind cover.

That isn't a counter. That's just refusing to play.

Edit: You know I'm going to have to clarify this or I'll get slaughtered.

Of course if it's a stand off then you've just as much right to hold up behind cover as they have in standing off at range and refusing to move to short range to engage you. I get that. I'm not suggesting otherwise.

Personally, I'd rather find more proactive ways to beat a long range team with a short range team, that's all I'm saying.

Edited by warner2, 26 February 2013 - 05:16 AM.

#7 Ghogiel


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:13 AM

A1 steak sauce is the most OP mech in the game, so you just need to take those and it's guaranteed win.

#8 KinLuu


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:15 AM

If only poptards wouldnt be the exact counter to SRM A1s.

#9 SlXSlXSlX


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:16 AM

View PostPureRiffs, on 26 February 2013 - 04:44 AM, said:

So it seems that the flavour of the month for high level play in 8 man seems to be long range battles. PPC’s and Gauss rifles.

I guess this is because of the ecm stopping people from targeting one person and having a brawl where the outcome can be a bit random.

So no I have to deal with jumpjets and PPC builds. I find all maps are too big to push in with short range weapons.

So does this mean everyone on my team must switch to this style of play or has anyone found any other counters to it?

Riff dies in 8 man bc of gauss, its ecms fault. Riff dies in 8 man to ppcs, its ecm's fault. Riff dies in 8 mans to brawler splat cats, its ecms fault.

How about riff dies in 8 man, its riffs fault?

Edited by SlXSlXSlX, 26 February 2013 - 05:17 AM.

#10 xRatas


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:21 AM

Played a few rounds against you guys last sunday, our group has quite a bit of medium to long range firepower.

Take this in constructive way:
First time we met in River City, and your group stopped halfway in your push, when there was very little opposition in front of you. We pushed from other side, as there was no point moving to brawl with you as you didn't go for our base. (Remember that,a syou killed me while I was stuck in map bug with my mech.)

Next round we met in alpine, and your team camped in your home base. Needless to say, we did not feel the need to advance closer, before all of you guys were pretty much dead.

What I would recommend, is bit faster brawlers and more active scouting. Maybe some snipers to cover your advance and draw attention for those few moments rest of you close in. And if you opt for brawl tactics, you need to close the cap, you can not wait the enemy to do it.

Our group has been smashed to oblivion with brawler groups several times, not sure how theydo it, but it every time that has happened, it has been when our scouts have been forced to break off, before they find the enemy main force. Also every time the enemyforce has kept pushing, so no stopping when things start to get hot, I'd say.

Just some observations from 2 games against your group, could be way off in general, but I hope it helps at least a bit!

Edited by xRatas, 26 February 2013 - 05:26 AM.

#11 Kmieciu


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:23 AM

Just Rush their base with Splatcats. It`s hard to headshot a mech running at 82 kph.

#12 Ransack


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:29 AM

LRM's kept people pinned. People complained. Devs added ECM which basically neutered LRM's. Now ECM covers the jumping PPC's that travel farther and faster than the LRM's and keep people pinned. Gotta love it the status quo.

#13 Gradrock


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 05:47 AM

1 3L can get in close and keep poptarts busy as the rest of the team advances. kinda simple.

#14 Kommisar


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 06:00 AM

There are a lot of ways to counter a poptart. I will take this from a tactical standpoint, not strategic.

You will probably get hit once if he is decent with his jump-shot.
Now, you either get to cover (buy time, slows things down) or you call him out and get 2 or more mechs to line up shots and wait for his next "Pop". If you don't have the range, then you'll have to advance until you do. I advise you use the cover available as best you can.

Did this to 2 poptarts on Frozen City last night. He nailed me with his first shot. His second... I answered. So did my 4 PPC, 1 Gauss friend. So did my 2 UAC5 totting friend. He did not pop again. We did not kill him out right; but he was dissuaded from that tactical approach.

For a money + gear approach - LRMs + Artimis + TAG + (add other modules that speed up lock time) = Hurting poptart.

They are very vulnerable hanging in the air like that.

#15 Kingdok


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 08:21 AM

View PostKommisar, on 26 February 2013 - 06:00 AM, said:

There are a lot of ways to counter a poptart. I will take this from a tactical standpoint, not strategic.

You will probably get hit once if he is decent with his jump-shot.
Now, you either get to cover (buy time, slows things down) or you call him out and get 2 or more mechs to line up shots and wait for his next "Pop". If you don't have the range, then you'll have to advance until you do. I advise you use the cover available as best you can.

Did this to 2 poptarts on Frozen City last night. He nailed me with his first shot. His second... I answered. So did my 4 PPC, 1 Gauss friend. So did my 2 UAC5 totting friend. He did not pop again. We did not kill him out right; but he was dissuaded from that tactical approach.

For a money + gear approach - LRMs + Artimis + TAG + (add other modules that speed up lock time) = Hurting poptart.

They are very vulnerable hanging in the air like that.

I like and use everything you suggest in the above. The trouble I've had is with a team build consisting of 3 poptarts and an ecm brawler group of 2 D-DC's, 2 Raven 3L's, and a Streak Centurion. 1 poptart is target practice. 2 poptarts is team target practice. 3 poptarts coordinating fire is a serious problem. All they have to do is keep us pinned down for a minute while the stealth brawlers close in for the death swirly. I recognize this is a very highly polished plan. I hope this thread gathers more thoughtful responses (like the above) from players who have been experimenting with counter moves.

Let me save the trolls some time. I am terribad player, I need to L2P, I must be QQ'ing about ECM even though I don't need lock to shoot them with my PPC's. All this counter strategy discussion is irrelevant to me anyway because my Elo rank is dropping so low that soon I will never face *real* players in a match. Etc... etc... etc.... Any a--holes feel like pointing out the snark points I missed?

#16 Soda Popinsky


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 08:34 AM

Great thing about poptarting is you provide the other team with a nice juicy target to fixate on, even if you're a terrible shot like me. They'll sit there trying to shoot you out of the air, while the rest of your team can go in for the kill.

Don't fall for it. Obviously poptarts are vulnerable up close, so use cover, use covering fire, use the flanks, use ECM to get close. And beware the poptarting team may be doing the same thing, while they have poptart covering fire.

Edited by Soda Popinsky, 26 February 2013 - 08:35 AM.

#17 Mrllamaface


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 08:54 AM

With few exceptions the maps provide enough cover to allow a brawler to close and engage without out exposing themselves too much. This is important as most snipers cannot put out the sustained damage a brawler can at close range. Just remember always use cover and when you have to expose yourself move quickly to the next cover.

#18 PureRiffs


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:11 AM

View PostSlXSlXSlX, on 26 February 2013 - 05:16 AM, said:

Riff dies in 8 man bc of gauss, its ecms fault. Riff dies in 8 man to ppcs, its ecm's fault. Riff dies in 8 mans to brawler splat cats, its ecms fault.

How about riff dies in 8 man, its riffs fault?

I quite like ecm, i think it adds a cool and interesting point to the game smart ***.

#19 Elizander


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:12 AM

People should just stop playing Assault. :)

#20 Xinaoen


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:14 AM

It's not ECM, it's Alpine.

We finally have a map that punishes slower 'Mechs for stacking nothing but point-blank weapons. People should be doing backflips.

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