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Be A Hero Challenge Winners And Statistics

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#21 Khobai


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:15 PM


This was me when I quit.. after I knew I couldn't play for 72 hours. I used nothing but the founders atlas, never touched the DDC.. so I win ...right guys?

I used my founder's Atlas almost exclusively too. I only used the D-DC when my founder's mech was locked. It was silly not to use the founder's Atlas because of the huge c-bill bonus.

Edited by Khobai, 26 February 2013 - 12:15 PM.

#22 Broceratops


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:17 PM

View Postsycocys, on 26 February 2013 - 12:05 PM, said:

Called 3L for overall victor. I'm betting #'s 2-100+ used it for their light mech. Maybe they will actually release those stats if they aren't too embarrassing - though I'm sure med/heavy were better contested with different mechs.

Great work with the rest, sad to see you had to succumb to the 3L to get there though.

I was actually contemplating buying another 3L for backup purposes specifically for the weekend ;).

Anyway, there were other light mechs on the board, although not many. Wispsy and Talimar both finished in the top dozen and they ran jenner and spider exclusively. So it was possible, if not easy.

Overall I think this was a great thing for PGI to test out because things like this will be really good for the community and player retention/acquisition (with much refinement of course). If anyone is interested, several of the pilots who grinded this sucker out have posted their opinions. I wrote mine here. Snailio, my very worthy opponent, put his here.

Thanks PGI and everybody who came out. I had a good time overall ... although I think I've scratched the "grind a game" itch for at least the rest of 2013 :D

#23 Noober


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:23 PM

Well played all, had a great time.

Much respect to the winners and all who played.

#24 KKillian


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:35 PM

Nice to see a suicide rusher in the heavy listing, hes a real hero.

#25 ciller


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

Hi, my name is ciller. I got 2nd place in mediums. This is what I used:

For my runs it was primarily the CN9-A with 3xsrm6 and 2xmlaser. It is a kill and damage machine, even if my team was terrible I could often get 2 kills in a match before we all get wiped out. In a good match I'd pull 1000+ dmg, 4 or more kills and a match score in the 100's.

When that was down I would switch to, crazily enough, the CN9-YLW. My reason for this was that I knew I could pilot it really well, get away with more then I could in the A since it is discounted by nearly everyone, and its a kill and assist machine with good range/dmg capabilities. This is the mech that caught me up to the leaders on the first day. I even left the CN9-A as secondary for awhile because I was starting to make too many mistakes engaging that the YLW avoids. A good mech for a tired player.

Last mech was the 110kph std engine CN9-D with 2xSRM6 and 2xmlaser. It's fast and has kick. I just don't like the lack of kill compared to the A.

Much to my regret I did not abandon all of these on the last day to switch to what Za Warudo was using, a Trenchbucket with 2PPC, 2SSRM (i think) and JJ's. With this mech you can take pop shots at the team and win or lose, get a ton of assists and maybe a few kills. This mech is what made Warudo the point machine that he was. Strangely my best play style is jump jetting snipers in Heavies so this would have been a natural fit for me and something I could have taken advantage of as well as to break up the monotony that was the hundreds of drops I had in the Centurion already.

Ultimately he overtook me in the very last hour and won. I just wish I had gotten a bit of sleep and had made a better fight out of it.

#26 Stradivarious


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:44 PM

Congrats to those that won, but I'm more interested when PGI will field a tournament where 3 days off playtime isn't the major factor. :D Maybe like best stats in a 25 match cap from when you opt in would have been better. Some of us have real jobs/lives sadly. :(

Any tournament that allows stats to stack unlimited over a set time limit just favors those who can afford to do nothing but play the game. So no offense to Broceratops or anyone else who kicked ***, but I call BS on most of the stats. farming does not equal skill.

I was doing pretty damn well until the wife decided she felt needy and pulled me off the comp :lol: Not bitter, happy wife > video game, even mechwarrior, anyday. Just would like to be able to actually compete, you include large amount of playtime as a factor and you cut us out.

Edit: Example, I primarily set out to compete in the assault bracket. Stuck to my Stalker 5M and 4N almost exclusively. Averaged 800-1200 damage per match, even those I lost. Kills usually 2-5, think I had a 7 in there iirc. Average XP was 800-1300 by my estimate before founders bonus. I got 12 matches on Friday and maybe 10 more on Sunday, wife occupied my time the rest of the weekend. :blink: Is that better then maybe 80% of those in the assault bracket? Probably, I just didn't have the hundreds of matches to farm the stats up. :P Again, not bitter, congrats to those that won, I just want a chance to compete. ;)

2nd edit for TL;DR Next time cap it at 25(or any other decent number) matches per day, then have a run off on Sunday for the best of Friday/Saturday. Would allow those who can't play all weekend to compete.

Edited by Stradivarious, 26 February 2013 - 12:57 PM.

#27 Nostram


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:47 PM

I rented Assassin's Creed 3 for my wife before the event started. She hadn't played it yet and really wanted to.

#28 Dark Ally


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:47 PM

I wish they would post a list of the top 100 in everything

#29 PropagandaWar


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:49 PM

Pretty kick butt you guys. Wish I had the time this weekend to go for it in my meds, but there will be other hopefully shorter tournaments. Also to the haters if they avg 80 games thats only 20 hours of play if every game when the full 15 minutes. Still a bit for a guy like me with a family but nowhere near the 72 hours being claimed.

#30 Morgana


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:50 PM

Was a great opportunity to meet other players of the same caliber. I saw several develop friendly camaraderie throughout the challenge. By Sunday, alot of us would end up dropping in the same match time and time again. Guess that shows that ELO is at work.

miGu, Ehose Shadow, Nuclear Weapon, Great Games!!! You make us Light Pilots proud! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to challenge Wispsy, (would have lost but love to spar against him). Maybe next time Wispsy.

Only comment I have on the Tournament, is that it was more of an endurance challenge, than skill necessarily. 20 years ago, I could have stayed awake throughout, but not anymore. I took a 5 hour catnap, and couldn't fight my way past 27th in the Lights Catagory before time ran out. Maybe had I stuck to one mech, instead of switching up my Jenner and Raven builds, things may have been different. Looking forward to seeing stats on what mech we are most successful in. All in good time.

Great Challenge to all that participated! Looking to practice up against you, and be a tougher contender next time. ;)

#31 Bata


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:54 PM

I used primarily my Awesome-9M with a big fat XL 380 engine, Large Lasers and SRM's, my backup was an Atlas-RS with 3 PPC's and a Gauss. Did a few drops in a DDC LRM boat, but I had literally no practice with that build and gave up on it quickly.

#32 Bilbo


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:54 PM

Well done fellas.<s>

#33 ShadowSpirit


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:57 PM

The kill/death ratio only highlights the need for the developers to set up more varied drop mechanics. Even something as simple as allowing players to drop 1 vs 1 will allow for friends to practice and get better at the game. We need a better user interface OUTSIDE of battle. Let friends/groups organize in 1v1, 4v4, or 8v8 to practice -- no c-bills, no exp (or significantly reduced to minimize farming).

... also, a solo tournament should be precisely that -- a solo tournament. Random pugs? The data is only as good as the source. Looking at a 2 to 1 kill / death ratio means if ELO was a factor .... it's full of fail.

Edit: typo fix

Edited by ShadowSpirit, 26 February 2013 - 12:59 PM.

#34 KKillian


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:58 PM

Let's see the individual stats of the winners.

#35 Nostram


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:59 PM

View PostKKillian, on 26 February 2013 - 12:58 PM, said:

Let's see the individual stats of the winners.

There are a few people I would love to see a breakdown of total time in each of their matches and if they disconnected before or after their death. *grins*

#36 Noober


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:04 PM

Stats we can glean from the weight class numbers:


#37 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:05 PM

I am a little disappointed in the stats presented.

There is no comparison to personal stats
There is no breakdown of how points and point weighting per match. (especially when games/hour crowd was so successful)
There is no stats regarding mech selection or weapon/equipment selection

And most importantly there is no lessons learned. For instance:
Light mechs scored universally higher than all other categories, that seems like a weighting bias issue.
How did ELO impact game play? where match results even or primarily fast blowouts
How did ECM impact game play? what percent of light mechs carried ECM? Medium? Assault?
How does a 2.3 KDR ration jive with stats outside of the tournament? 2.3 seems like a very good KDR.

Based on your number the top 25 places in the tournament (combined categories) represent over 10% of matches played but only 1% of the playerbase, how do their number stack up against the other 99.2% of the tournament players.

#38 Monky


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:12 PM

Only had the time/attention span to play mediums up to the 150-200 range each night, but it was fun. The TBT-5J is a beast with a fast engine and good use of JJ's.

Future tournament recommendations; create a 'matches played' bracket.

1-15 matches
16-30 matches
31-45 matches

and so on, then break it up by day. This will provide a much bigger incentive for people to participate if they can win a category. Combine that with tracking stats in order of match played and it should work out fairly well as a skill/cheese build (hee) indicator. ADDITIONALLY, provide an off/on switch for having your stats submitted for the tournament - so we can still experiment around or run something else for variety, after all it is a game first.

One more thing, if you consider this kind of structure, have a maximum number of games per day (should solve itself with daily breakdown, I would say 60 matches total). This would allow people to take breaks and participate to the level they desire. We don't need to become poopsockwarrior online.

Edited by Monky, 26 February 2013 - 01:30 PM.

#39 Tzeentch


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:16 PM

Wish they would show more stats here, but the tournament was a GREAT experience. Meeting fellow players who performed on a very competitive level (sleep is for peasants). Since PGI won't release more personal stats and playstyles for now, I'll share some of mine and I hope you'll all share yours here too. My triple ac2 Dragon 5n brought me to the top 3. After getting that far, when that mech was destroyed in combat, I would drop into another heavy mech while I waited for it to come home. Which would either a 2xac5 2xuac5 phract, a ppc cat, an erppc and med laser dragon, or an lrm cat (near the end there when I had some breathing room between me and 4th, I saw a lack of ecm and the alpine map looked sweet for it but sadly it didn't work out so I dropped that girl like a hot grenade).

I did fairly well in that dragon, and I'm very happy with the build. I took a screenshot of a fight where I finally broke 1000 damage with only ac2s to post in the Shieldwall forums, but one of the members didn't believe I had only ac2s........
So like the OCD ******* I am, I went out, DID IT AGAIN, broke my previous record for the damage, and caught it on video. Probably one of my best moments in this game.

I managed to switch procaster on near the end to catch some ac2 action and my damage total post-death (I couldn't have it on for the whol;e fight, it just KILLS my fps). Please ignore the soundtrack, I had pandora playing on shuffle and was too caught up in the fight to change it back to Rush. Also if the video is prohibited in your country due to the soundtrack and you would very much like to see the video, let me know and I will upload a version without audio.

Edit: I won't forget. I want to thank all the members of SoR, especially Mongoose Company, Lance leader Damon Howe, Karbomb who joined me, Sgt Helmet, FluffyPinkBunny, Magnus, Hunter Gamma and everyone else who broke the silence of our tournament teamspeak channel to wish me and Karbomb goodluck. You guys are probably the most social and diverse gaming community I have ever been a part of, and went out of your way to encourage us and keep us going (blasting eye of the tiger in the channel at random helped helped more than you probably thought it would).

Edited by Tzeentch, 26 February 2013 - 01:38 PM.

#40 Jman5


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:45 PM

300 damage per match is surprisingly low.

Edited by Jman5, 26 February 2013 - 01:46 PM.

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