LogicSol, on 26 February 2013 - 02:39 PM, said:
If TAG is difficult, use Lasers and leg.
Or bring a teammate with ECM.
You keep matching up lights vs lights. While it keeps things a little neater, that's not how the game works. There is a cicada that's ECM capable, it's only 5 tons heavier, as there are several other mechs that can carry ECM too.
For your base defense example.
So there are 2 3L's in your base.
What if you had, i dunno a Com 2D and a Cicada 3M answer that? It' going to be pretty even.
While you are busy legging the ravens, they are busy hitting your core with streaks...
If you bring a friend with ECM then it's 1 ECM vs their 2, which results in them still nullifying missile lock.
Most people consider a cicada a heavy Light, but,
If you had a Com 2D+cicada vs Raven+ Raven
Again the Cicada is reliant on ballistics and lasers, which takes more work to aim than the streaks. It has the same problems that jenners have, just with more armor and less maneuverability
The 2 ECM's Nullify each other and both sides are free to use streaks. However the comm 2D will die with 2-3 Salvos from the combined Streak ravens, leaving the Cicada to fight by itself.
The only winning possibility is if the Cicada pilot is very, very much more skilled than the 3L's and manages to solo both in that engagement (assuming the Com-2d dies with in 7 seconds ~2 streak salvos +laser damage from ravens)
Put that cicada pilot in a raven, and his skill will allow his lasers to hit more consistently, and he also get the boost from free damage from streaks
I have logged 2000 games with 98% of those in mediums and lights. I will admit I have not played cicada's but I have experienced nearly every possible combination on scout vs scout in 8 mans and pugs. I know it seems like I'm crying and whining, but this is what really happens.