Now, from here-on-out, I will only use the word "destroyed" to mean that all of the armor and internal compnents for a bodypart are completely destroyed, broken, shot-out, and dysfunctional. Here's a break-down, by bodypart, of how I think Destroyed bodyparts should be treated:
- Head - a destroyed head means your Mech is toast.
- Center Torso - a destroyed Center Torso means your Mech is toast.
- Arms - destroyed arms just get severed and fall off.
- Legs - a destroyed leg will cause the mech to limp slowly forward, render you unable to walk backwards, and a significantly forceful weapons impact to that destroyed leg should cause your Mech to fall down.
- Side Torso - a destroyed side torso should become "transparent" to ballistic and energy weapons (because the remaining material it too weak to stop an Autocannon bullet or a weapons-grade laser), but still cause the detonation of missiles (because they have sensitive stand-off impact sensors)
After you blow-out a leg, it'll have no motorized or otherwise-powered way to adjust for impacts, and so it should be easily knocked-out from under you. It won't be a magic bullet shield, and continuously shooting the same leg won't kill your opponent, but rather just make them fall repeatedly.
After you destroy a side torso it has no significant ballistic armor left to stop high-velocity shells and high-energy lasers, and so they would pass through the remaining scraps of weak material until they hit somethitng more solid.
However, that weak remaining scrap would cause the detonation of missile warheads because HEAT missiles actually do the most damage when they detonate 30 or so centimeters in front of their target, so they have very sensitive impact sensors that can be set-off by materials as flimsy as a metal wire mesh [in reality... I assume the same is true in BattleTech]. You can still cause "splash damage" to other bodyparts, though, as I assume missile warheads cause splash damage within a certain radius of impact.
The Trasparency of Side Torsos could be effectively implemented in the game ONLY IF the game engine has the proper tools. One must allow slugs and lasers that come in at the right angle to pass through the Side Torso and, if they hit the Center Torso on their way out, they should cause immediate injury to the internal components of the Center Torso without having to worry about the Center Torso's external armor. Any shot that passes through a destroyed Side Torso would already be inside the Mech's internal compartments and would therefore not have to deal with the external Center Torso armor.
If destroyed Legs became unstable crutches,
if Arms get lopped-off,
if Side Torsos become transparent to bullets and lasers but still detonate missiles,
and if well-aimed shots that enter through a Side Torso can hit internal components of the neighboring compartment without counting against armor...
...then Damage Transfer is completely unneeded.
(Edit: Needless to say, destroying both legs will kill your Mech. Also, I chose to not propose Transparent Legs when they get destroyed because I thought the "falling down" mechanism is better.)
Edited by Prosperity Park, 21 May 2012 - 02:37 PM.