Help Me Fix Mah Jenner! :d
Started by Goatnado386, Feb 28 2013 06:16 AM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 28 February 2013 - 06:16 AM
I know the first thing people will probably tell me is to get a different mech but I like the Jenner and it's the only one I own at the moment. I have the one that comes with C.A.S.E. The mechlab is a bit over my head but the next time I sit down to play, I'm going to tinker with it until I get a better understanding of what I can do with it. In the meantime, I'm assuming my customization options are fairly limited with a small chassis but what is a good direction to go with it or is it pretty much okay out the gate? Thanks!

Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:27 AM
Every Mech can built in CASE, it prevents dmg wandering to your center Torso from ammo explosions. So case can only be dropped in the sidetorsos, wich makes it uneffective in EVERY Mech using an XL-Engine.
And imo the Jenner should have an XL for weaponry and speed.
You can play ith with Jumpjets and PPC wich is sorta fun, or just regular with Lasers / SRMs in the chassis with the Missilehardpoint. If you go for a realy fast jenner, try Pulselaser for quicker damage. Makes it more easy for you to bring some dmg more pinpoint.
And imo the Jenner should have an XL for weaponry and speed.
You can play ith with Jumpjets and PPC wich is sorta fun, or just regular with Lasers / SRMs in the chassis with the Missilehardpoint. If you go for a realy fast jenner, try Pulselaser for quicker damage. Makes it more easy for you to bring some dmg more pinpoint.
Edited by Wanderfalke NK, 28 February 2013 - 07:29 AM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:40 AM
Ok, you have a Jenner 7-K. This one has a decent build right off the bat, so I'd say just focus on upgrading it. Get endosteel armor, double heatsinks, a big XL engine, max out the armor, remove the case, put the SRM ammo in the legs/cockpit.
You could also drop the SRM 4 and a jumpjet to switch the medium lasers to medium pulse lasers (might make it easier to hit at high speeds).
You could also drop the SRM 4 and a jumpjet to switch the medium lasers to medium pulse lasers (might make it easier to hit at high speeds).
Edited by Gigastrike, 28 February 2013 - 07:41 AM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:47 AM
This mech takes a feckload of CBills to improve, so stick with the simple double heatsinks upgrade, remove the case, move the ammo in your leg and increase overall armor. You could trade the SRM4 for a Streak SRM2.
You might try saving money to get the whole Jenner set to get the Elite skills and to get along with the chassis, and then considering in keeping only the one you prefer among the three. THEN, you will invest massively in that 'mech.
You might try saving money to get the whole Jenner set to get the Elite skills and to get along with the chassis, and then considering in keeping only the one you prefer among the three. THEN, you will invest massively in that 'mech.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:05 AM
move the ammo in your leg
The cockpit is the most hardest spot to hit a Mech. So this slot, if not used for lasers / missiles (IF yo have a hardpoint there) is the best to put your First slot of Ammo ALL the time.
Some things must be checked before you decide where to put what ammo, for example how fast it will exhaust, do you have an XL Engine, where are your main weapons et cetera.
There is a order, what ammo is used fully, first.
Ammo in the Cockpit will always be used first. If empty Centertorso ammo is next, then right torso, left torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg.
So ammo in the Head is everytime the safest way cause this will exhaust first and do no harm then.
Your legs are in relation to your head, fairly easy to hit.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 10:57 AM
Thanks for all the help! I was able to get a decent config together and I worked on my strategy. After countless losses, I started getting kills... in fact I just had multiple kills and assists and... then once again, the MWO client crashed in the middle of a battle. >

Posted 02 March 2013 - 07:36 AM
Good you started with the K, specially if you want to unlock elite. The other variants are more fun and you will end up spending more time in them if you choose to continue mastering the Jenner. From my personal point of view, if you want to pilot this mech well, you´ll have to spend some good time in it as it has a high learning curve. Once you do, you´ll see it's one of the more fun mechs to pilot. Enjoy!

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