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Review/suggestions After 2 Weeks

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#1 LowSubmarino


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:26 AM


First of all let me thank the developers for the possibility to play a rather limited but free mech action demo.

When I first started to play I was truely amazed at the graphics, specifically moments like a nice big lazer battle (i know there's more weapons) on forest colony. That just really rocked. The controls are as accessible as any other mechwarrior game I've played before. That is well implemented.

The few maps that are available by now...well, honestly I think there should have gone a lot more work into the maps.

As I said, Forest Colony is beautiful but too small. River city is not my type but endurable if it is played on daytime. I do like thermal vision and used it a lot to find mechs quickly, e.g. when you're in a fast mech and only get a glimpse at a certain area. Thermal vision is awesome here.

But night maps are really not so cool in my opinion especially because the weapons effects are so good and create a lot of the atmosphere for me. Every third mission is a night mission though. Way too much for me. I really dont like that simply because you guys put a lot of effort into the weapons effects. In night maps they dont look cool. Whenever a night map started in the end I realized I hated them and disconnected to start another game, to disconnect again until I had a bright map to see all the graphics.

Another very big problem with maps is that they are not suited for a simulation. Mechwarrior online is supposed to be a simulation but the maps are designed for fast paced short duration encounters that basically start 6 seconds after the game starts because the maps are so tiny that you can actually see the opposing players right when you spawn (tleast on forest colony and river city) and start shooting right away.

This is a big mistake I think. It sacrifices simulation value for fast paced almost non stop combat (you basically jump from battle to battle). Scouts are not necessary on those tiny maps, thus light mechs only fulfill the role of ecm units, catpure the base or give giant assault mechs a hard time by running around them all day in a way that can only be described as absolutley unepic.

What you need badly in terms of maps is a hell of a lot more maps, better maps, bigger maps. About 20 maps covering forests, deserts, jungles, plains, cities are minimum if you do not want ppl to stop being entertained after 2 weeks. Like me.

ANother point I have to metion is that this is open beta right? I am no expert but open beta means that most game elements are already implemented. But so many things that are supposed to be in the game are still missing. Basically this is not a game yet. It is a skeleton demo that is nicley done, not a game. There simply isnt nearly enough content for that at this point.

But where are all the things like clan invasion, fractions and all of that. I mean there is sooo much stuff that isnt in the game yet that I have very strong doubts all those things could be implemented within 24 months. And that is being very optimistic.

Because right now there isnt even a fraction of those things in the game or at least I didnt see them during my 14 days of play time.

I understand that the developers needed and need a steady flow of money to continue their work, but it seems the entire mc business is the first thing that was implemented and refined. But why would anybody pay for like 3 maps that get dull after a dozen days.

Okay, here comes an emergency wake up call haha :

GUYS YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT A LOT MORE STUFF. I dont even know what to say but the game is merely 9% done lol. Seriously. Stop open beta, and go back to pre closed beta.

- More, bigger, better maps that fit into a "SIMULATION". As it is, 70% of all the battles are centered around the same spots on the few maps. Turning most games into clone battles that seem almost identical, apart from the fact that the teams are very very very imbalanced

-A lot more game modes, specially more fun game modes, cmon, deathmatch is really not very imaginative, this cannot be all you guys came up with, let valuable resource or landing sites give you the ability to respawn (supporting dropship lands for reinforcment) 1-3 mechs that have died. Depending on how long you hold the points. Have one team "escape" through a certain map and nav points. The other team stops them and blablabla. Im sure you guys have a lot better ideas but as it is this is simply and by far not satisfactory. And this is only talking about game modes I didnt even start with fraction, clan invasion and whatnot. All good promises but we all know how it is with games and promises. And without being emotional, so far there is none of the long term motivation elements in the game yet. As an open beta is supposed to test most if not all of the major game elements I have to assume that there is not much more coming.

-The matchmaking system is absolutely horrible, to an extent where it was primarily responsible for me to stop playing, and Im sure all of this has been mentioned 1000 times before but hey it is more effective the more ppl point out the same things. I dont know what you plan for the matchmaking system but it needs a planet worth of love or it will majorly contribute to people just getting too frustrated.

Well, to make it short, I like what I have seen so far but it is by no means even half a game yet. The few things readly by now look good, not excellent but good. Open beta phase is the last stage before release. Correct? If this is the last stage of development then I do seriously not foresee a bright future for mechwarrior online.

My strong advice as a gamer/leyman. Back to alpha stage and give all those points above a hell of a lot more love. Work on the game at leas another 2 - 3 years. Graphics are not so important as long as the gameplay is addictive.

#2 iminbagdad


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:39 AM

I think the tldr version is this game is promising but not ready for open beta.

If that's so then yes and most closed beta testers would agree. I can only recommend hunkering down for the long haul. They are playing community warfare close to the chest. Probably means its not what we are all hoping for but you never know.

With alpine and the coming desert map we will se them opening up the maps for larger, and hopefully 12v12, battles.

#3 Syllogy


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:58 AM

For financial and technical reasons: No.

#4 wickwire


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:22 AM

i agree on the "less night maps" part

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