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Clans Aren't Coming?

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#61 Congzilla


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:39 AM

View PostSashulescu, on 03 March 2013 - 11:41 PM, said:

There are no official news from the team about clan mechs or clan tech.
PGI, be responsible for what you release in your official information, you clearly say about the timeline:

What is the timeline of MechWarrior Online?
The game is set in a 1:1 timeline with the BattleTech universe, meaning that the current year 2013 equates to 3050 in BattleTech lore and each day that passes in real life also passes in the game. This means we are on the brink of the upcoming Clan invasion and utilizing the latest in technology available in the 3049 timeframe.

Wave 1 of clan invasions happen between March and April:


So we would like to have an official answer about PGI's plans to include the clan mechs in the game and how it will balance the game in 1 month, since PGI announced like 17 IS mechs and they delivered only 12 or so...

Who ever said we were going to be part of the 1st wave? There are 5 waves lasting into next year. Put your tinfoil hat away.

#62 Jakob Knight


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:43 AM

I love it.

People spout 'This isn't the TT' when real questions about gameplay equipment and what mechs/equipment are designed to be, but then try to point to a rigid schedule of history from the same game as what the Devs 'have to do'.

Face it. The Clans are not a necessary part of MWO, and the game has alot more important things to be worked on. Once we have a -finished- game that works right, then it might be time to entertain an expansion for those players who simply cannot play without their crutch.

And until they put all the Unseen in, there is zero point in bringing up the 'people want to play their favorite mech' reason. Plenty of us have to make do without, so I don't see why Clan players feel they shouldn't as well.

Final analysis: Until the Devs commit to following Battletech completely, any expectations that they will do so are faulty. In truth, they could wait until 2020 to put in the Clans, and it would still be MWO.

#63 Broceratops


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:45 AM

they made a wrong turn and will be delayed for a year

#64 FupDup


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:50 AM


#65 Novakaine


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:53 AM

There are no Clan.
They do not exist.
You have been warned.
FedCom MilSec

#66 Jakob Knight


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:55 AM

View PostBroceratops, on 04 March 2013 - 07:45 AM, said:

they made a wrong turn and will be delayed for a year

More likely, one of the more eccentric of the Scientist Caste stepped out of a modified Delorianmech with a copy of a set of novels from the late twentieth century, and told the IlKhan what -had- to happen. Realizing the words of the scientist "It's your Sibkin! Something has to be done about your Sibkin!!" were too horrible to contemplate, the IlKhan immediately halted all operations for the Invasion while he consulted the novels for how he could meet an untimely death by playing chicken on a crowded planetary assault orbit.

Edited by Jakob Knight, 04 March 2013 - 07:56 AM.

#67 Monsoon


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:07 AM

Don't expect to get involved with clan invasion until at least Wave 4, before that it was nothing more then the IS just realizing they were being invaded. The first real responses to this attack didn't being until July, and not until Sept/Oct did the FedSuns and Combine really put forward a concerted effort to deal the Clans. October was also the chance meeting between the Clan leadership with the FRR, leading to Leo Showers death by Tyra Miraborg's suicidal attack.

Edited by Monsoon, 04 March 2013 - 08:08 AM.

#68 Syllogy


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:07 AM

View PostKuruptU4Fun, on 04 March 2013 - 12:14 AM, said:

Though PGI needs to make a firm statement about their intent with Clans and their timeline. Because the people who don't delve into the lore presented above are going to go bat crazy here soon.

Look for an April/May announcement.

#69 MayGay


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:14 AM

View PostSashulescu, on 03 March 2013 - 11:41 PM, said:

There are no official news from the team about clan mechs or clan tech.
PGI, be responsible for what you release in your official information, you clearly say about the timeline:

What is the timeline of MechWarrior Online?
The game is set in a 1:1 timeline with the BattleTech universe, meaning that the current year 2013 equates to 3050 in BattleTech lore and each day that passes in real life also passes in the game. This means we are on the brink of the upcoming Clan invasion and utilizing the latest in technology available in the 3049 timeframe.

Wave 1 of clan invasions happen between March and April:


So we would like to have an official answer about PGI's plans to include the clan mechs in the game and how it will balance the game in 1 month, since PGI announced like 17 IS mechs and they delivered only 12 or so...

Clans balancing the game? buuaahahahahahaha but really um no they will destroy what little game balance there actually is, with LRMs with no min range, 12 ton Gauss rifles, and 12 ton U/AC 20s, 15 damage ERPPCs,ER large lasers that have 120m greater range than an ERPPC, 7 damage medium lasers with the same range as an IS large laser, SSRM 4 and 6, pulse lasers have double the range of IS versions, id they have heavy lasers they have the same weight and range of IS standard lasers at double the heat and damage, XL engine only takes up 2 extra slots per side torso, DHS only take 2 slots, Endo Steel takes up half the crits, and Ferro Fibers takes half the crits and is more efficient, and almost everything else weighs less

#70 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:16 AM

View PostBroceratops, on 04 March 2013 - 07:45 AM, said:

they made a wrong turn and will be delayed for a year

I can hang with that. So long as when they get here they are formidable and worth fighting.

#71 MaddMaxx


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:23 AM

Le sigh! :)

The Clans aren't coming? Why did they withhold this type of info. The OP is obviously an insider and been told to infiltrate the Forums and give us the Dev's plans anonymously so as to lessen the blow. That makes 2 insiders recently, that have been so kind to have brought us the BAD news.

What is to be done now?

Le sigh! :)

#72 Pando


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:31 AM

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the AWS-9M wasn't available until 3050 and we recieved it in-game during 3049.

They are following "closely" to a 1:1 timeline. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by Pando, 04 March 2013 - 08:33 AM.

#73 Barrett Osis


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:36 AM

View PostSashulescu, on 03 March 2013 - 11:41 PM, said:

There are no official news from the team about clan mechs or clan tech.
PGI, be responsible for what you release in your official information, you clearly say about the timeline:

What is the timeline of MechWarrior Online?
The game is set in a 1:1 timeline with the BattleTech universe, meaning that the current year 2013 equates to 3050 in BattleTech lore and each day that passes in real life also passes in the game. This means we are on the brink of the upcoming Clan invasion and utilizing the latest in technology available in the 3049 timeframe.

Wave 1 of clan invasions happen between March and April:


So we would like to have an official answer about PGI's plans to include the clan mechs in the game and how it will balance the game in 1 month, since PGI announced like 17 IS mechs and they delivered only 12 or so...

If you noticed, everyone thus far is treated as innersphere. This is why the announcement are made in the "Inner Sphere" view. With that in mind, you will only get Clan tech when the Inner Sphere does. The first captured clan tech only happened much later. And even that was only given to the Houses for research. Maybe someone can give a date, but how long will it be to the first Innersphere unit see clan tech? At least another year yet.

Don't get too excited about clan tech yet. With ELO in its infancy, clan tech can't even be balanced for at least a year yet.

#74 Sug


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:39 AM

View PostJames Griffin, on 04 March 2013 - 08:14 AM, said:

Clans balancing the game? buuaahahahahahaha but really um no they will destroy what little game balance there actually is,

Pretty much. Introducing clans anytime soon will make almost every balancing tweak the devs have made an incredibly huge waste of time.

#75 Terror Teddy


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:45 AM

Well, it might not be far fetched to assume the following:

-We as IS mechwarriors will not be among the first wave of IS soldiers/mercs who face the clans - after all, those guys LOST in a big way.

-Most likely we wll be "activated" when **** gets real around 3051 and everyone will hire Merc's for the real fights.

-We might even be so late as to invited towards the endgame of the war when it is truly in full swing just to experience if fully.

Meh, sooner or later we will get SOMETHING for free.

#76 pbiggz


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:46 AM

They probably wont release community warfare till the end of the year when its good and damn ready. This is normal, not something to be angry at, it takes time to develop these things. They wouldn't release community warfare and clans at the same time because that would effectively see the IS unite, ruining community warfare. The dominant theory that i have heard is that we will see a flow of clan mech announcments and ISN updates on the invasion up to Smoke Jaguar Ilkhan Leo Showers' grand kuraltai over Radstadt in the FRR, and subsequent death at the hands of Tyra Miraborg. The clans fortify their lines and halt their advance for 1 year before Ulric Kerensky is elected ilkhan in november of 3051 (in a crusader effort to keep the wardens in check). The clan invasion resumes in 3052 and the reserve clans Nova Cat and Steel Viper are activated to reinforce the Wolves, Jade Falcons, Ghost bears, and Smoke Jaguars.

November 3051 corresponds to november 2014 and we will likely see clan mechs and factions become playable then. Expect omnimech technology to not be as awesome as you expect. It had some massive drawbacks in the lore, for example not being able to modify the engine, heatsinks, and internals, and its prohibitive cost.

#77 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:47 AM

PGI never promised we'd be interacting with or playing as Clan by March did they? I think that's a flawed inference, but admittedly I wasn't around for CB at all and didn't start playing and actually trying to keep track of what was going on in game development until November for the most part.

#78 Carcoona


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:50 AM

You guys do realise that despite what is said, this is still a game, that must confer to reallife deadlines and problems. They can always change there time scale. And infact may be very wise to do so. Have a little patience. Yes we all are interested to see the Clan's enter MWO, but its a huge move, and will radically change the game. Clan weapons and mechs as well all know are very powerful, far more so than their IS counterparts. Balance will be a huge issue. And i for one dont mind waiting a little longer to see that its fun when it comes out, not to see that only Thor's, Loki's and Cougar's are the only mechs fielded because there OP.

#79 Elistaire Drummond


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:54 AM

I really don´t need clan-tech at the moment. Just think of an modified clan second line Raven 3L: TOTAL cheese.

So it´s ok for me to wait a little bit for a Mad Cat. It´s just a little back as back in the TT-days, when the clans first appeared. The players were divided that day by cheese stomping clan-mechs...


#80 GrimlockONE


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:56 AM

View PostSashulescu, on 03 March 2013 - 11:41 PM, said:

There are no official news from the team about clan mechs or clan tech.
PGI, be responsible for what you release in your official information, you clearly say about the timeline:

What is the timeline of MechWarrior Online?
The game is set in a 1:1 timeline with the BattleTech universe, meaning that the current year 2013 equates to 3050 in BattleTech lore and each day that passes in real life also passes in the game. This means we are on the brink of the upcoming Clan invasion and utilizing the latest in technology available in the 3049 timeframe.

Wave 1 of clan invasions happen between March and April:


So we would like to have an official answer about PGI's plans to include the clan mechs in the game and how it will balance the game in 1 month, since PGI announced like 17 IS mechs and they delivered only 12 or so...

They, the clans, have technically been in the fold before the game even went into open beta, albeit on the far periphery. Wave 1 was the true first push...but the ilKhan was killed during the first wave and the clans put the invasion on hold, not advancing until a new ilKhan was put into place to guide the invasion.

Wave 2 is the true full blown invasion and when we should expect playable clan tech at the EARLIEST. My honest expectation is Wave 3 being implementation of the first set of clan mechs, giving some time balance out game play before the implementation of more mechs for Wave 4.

Wave 4 is probably when we will start seeing more functionality of both CW and Clan affairs, definitely in the fall September and October range.

We still have a solid two years of the invasion to go. We need more maps and community warfare before any justification for clan tech to get into the game. Give the devs some time this year, the game is finally starting to show some polish and the backbone of the game is starting to take shape. I want clans as much as the next clanner but I have tempered my expectations based on previous experience in game.

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