Bravo Vettie !!!
I dont normally post ..
Been playing for a few months now and glad to see fixes towards the stability of the game ...everytime I read the forum it erks me!! (in all areas not just patch updates)
I cant really understand all the whining .. its a patch to improve the game .. not the first nor the last ..the game is in its beta stages and the devs obviously have piles and piles of things to fix, alter, create new content and balance previous content on top of trying to keep the community entertained and challenged all the while trying to earn some cash to float their company.
Just wanted to say thanks to the devs for taking on this project so we actually can play this kind of game, bugs and all ....
(but do keep fixing them hehe)
Some of the community here remind me of a mindless dog while ur feeding it .. its soo busy gulping down its food all the while eyeing what you have on your dish ... simply never satisfied regardless of what you give it just wants more ..
To devs thanks and keep up the good work, some of us do appreciate your hard work.
I for one get an enorumus kick outa driven a monster mech and blowing the crap outta somebody ... best stress release after a fulldays work ever ...(or even while working lol)

What To Expect: March 5 Patch Preview
Started by Redshift2k5, Mar 04 2013 05:37 AM
89 replies to this topic
Posted 04 March 2013 - 11:44 PM
Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:07 AM
its sad really: all the stuff slated for this month is awesome! improvements to the lab, desert, the jager, testing grounds, painting hero mechs, fixes, lag reduction, but its all turned sour because of coolant, and consumable items.
try not to get too down! there is still good to be here.
try not to get too down! there is still good to be here.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:33 AM
All I am expecting is dissapointment
Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:29 AM
I am really looking forward to this patch.
THX for the work PGI!
THX for the work PGI!
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:05 AM
dunno, if anybody brought it up, I just thought coolant flush would have been better as a basic feature to unlock, thru xp, or gxp. in Mw4 it was a feature that was part of the mech. although the idea of consumables is interesting.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 06:39 AM
I have no problem with them adding coolant flush because I will enjoy watching a mech still go down even after using it and knowing that they either spent a bunch of MC or CBills for something that in the end still didnt help them win. Working in teams and good strategy overcomes ECM and it will do the same for coolant flushing, though if they make it so adding coolant flush to your mech takes like a ton of space per coolant flush item that would help balance it because the user would have to try to free up tonnage for it.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 06:43 AM
Vaylen, on 05 March 2013 - 06:39 AM, said:
I have no problem with them adding coolant flush because I will enjoy watching a mech still go down even after using it and knowing that they either spent a bunch of MC or CBills for something that in the end still didnt help them win. Working in teams and good strategy overcomes ECM and it will do the same for coolant flushing, though if they make it so adding coolant flush to your mech takes like a ton of space per coolant flush item that would help balance it because the user would have to try to free up tonnage for it.
Actually it only takes up modual slots....2 for full power Cbill CF 1 slot for MC The diffrence is you get 2 shots of collant per match and the MC option only offers 1 .... all be it at the same strength. neither option offers more colling power than the other.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 07:01 AM
Today is Patch Day Right!

Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:55 AM
Patch downtime rolling out as forecasted
Brian Windover, on 05 March 2013 - 09:39 AM, said:
Servers will be coming down at 10:00am PST/18:00 UTC for the patch.
Estimated Downtime: 3 hours
Estimated Downtime: 3 hours
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