On March 5th Host State Rewind (HSR) goes live. This new system allows players with high latency pings to fire and hit more reliably using Lasers, Machine Guns, and Flamers. Often referred to as the lag shield effect, HSR will significantly improve the reliability and accuracy of weapon hit detection, making certain BattleMechs much easier to hit. We anticipate overall damage will increase, resulting in some possible upcoming weapon balancing changes if needed.[/color]
Ohhhhhhhh boy! Light mechs must be feeling the pressure tonight. Especially the 3Ls. What's your last meal going to be? Steak-a-pult flambe? Jenner-souffle? Cicada truffles?
I know my spider is shedding a tear.
Tomorrow is a new day for Mechwarrior!
(we'll see)
Edited by Mister Blastman, 04 March 2013 - 12:50 PM.