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Rivercity Night

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#1 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 04:57 PM

A little RP story I wrote up after a match today, enjoy :lol: You can read the uncensored version here

The mech fired up to the familiar tune of bitchin’ Betty. “Reactor, Online. Sensors, Online. Weapons, Online. All systems, nominal.” Like every pilot, you have a love hate relationship with bitchin Betty. She’s like your wife, your girlfriend, half the time, she sounds all sexy, and positive, the other half, you just want her to shut up.

The Trebuchet hurtled forward as Vinson threw the throttle into place. Kappa first, across the bridge, and 3 lance mates lumbering along. Kerensky only knows what the other 4 are up to. Such is the luck of the draw, sometimes. Nothing at Kappa, and as our mech fields trigger the mining rig to fire up, we quickly take control of the facility and push towards the enemies mining rig.

Thermals are lighting up behind the citadel, and the facility at theta has been taken. jostling through the city, the enemy is spotted as we take their home base, and a Cataphract is lit up in the night by PPC fire from the Trebuchets right arm as Vinson pulls the trigger. 4 medium lasers round out the volley, stripping precious armour from the Cataphracts side torso.

The cataphract however is busy himself. His entire lance and their 4 friends are making fast work of the 3 helpless rookies that didn’t come to Kappa.

Vinson starts pouring fire into the enemies rear armour as one cadet after another dies to horrible screams. Even faster than expected the enemy turns on Vinson, and as he throws his mech into the lake behind the citadel at 97.2 KPH ppc fire continues to ring from his right arm. Six mechs in hot pursuit now. Friendlies in the city are lumbering in from Kappa, and enemy mechs chase Vinson into the lower city by epsilon.

Vinson curses, “*********!”, as bitchin betty starts squealing, “WARNING TARGETED” like that annoying girlfriend when shes on the rag.

“Like I don’t ****** know Betty!” the trebuchets left leg armour is gone.

“I guess the enemy doesn’t like me running 97.2kph”, Vinson thinks to himself as he shifts the mech behind buildings into a better position.

The enemy has fallen back, and Vinson finds himself on Theta. A lone atlas, firing at Vinson’s lancemates. All that exposed and weak rear armour is just too much to pass up. lasers and PPC’s hiss as Vinson dumps two alpha strikes into the back of the atlas. His rear armour gone, the atlas has no choice but to turn on Vinsons Trebuchet.

“That’s my cue to get out of here,” Vinson kicks the Trebs jumpjets into gear, clears the waterway passage, and shifts the Trebuchet back into the city. The atlas futility gives chase, and Vinson turns the Trebuchet back towards the enemy base, where his lance is now fully engaged.

An enemy catapult dies at Theta, as a cicada circles him, pounding away. “At least one cadet worth keeping,” Vinson thinks to himself.

A fully armored hunchback hits Vinson’s left leg again, almost stripping the armour off. Thankfully a friendly atlas nearby turns and starts hammering the hunchback with dual SRM 6′s, and Vinson turns his attention to the cataphract once more. The cataphract won’t go down without a fight, and tears Vinson’s PPC and 2 medium lasers with it off before dying in the final rumble of the exposed XL engine.

The ore is coming fast now, but victory isnt yet assured. Only Vinson and the Atlas left now. A very angry atlas, that seems to grin quite evilly as it turns it’s fully armoured front towards Vinson. “If I could only get behind him,” Vinson launches the Trebuchet into the air with massive force…only to have the Atlas rip the leg off with his first alpha strike.

Vinson’s trebuchet falls 20 meters short, and as he stares into the maw of the Atlas, doom beckons. Two medium lasers, a crippled leg, and an exposed side torso with an XL engine in it. Meanwhile, the atlas is still carrying a solid 90% front armour, and legged there is no way to get behind him.

Things are not looking good at all.

The atlas fires again, hitting the exposed XL engine. A miracle that the Trebuchet is still standing.

Vinsons 2 medium lasers arc at the Atlas head. Judging from the heavy armour even there, this’ll take a few shots. The atlas turns to fire again, and Vinson carefully uses the thin profile of the Trebuchet, like a sword fighter, taking the hit to the only place left with armour, the 2 medium lasers. The arm survives.

The atlas, grinning stupidly, so sure of victory as Vinson turns to fire again.

Only to see the cockpit glass explode as the 2 medium laser burst penetrates the weakened glass armour shell, revealing a dead atlas pilot, a victorious team, and one Trebuchet that needs a really good engineer to fix it.

Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 04 March 2013 - 04:59 PM.

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