Mercworks, on 08 March 2013 - 08:44 AM, said:
I think that you missed the point. It's not that I think the mechs are "bad" necessarily, it's that PGI keeps adding new mechs to overly represented tonnages and roles (Centurion, Hunchback AND Trebuchet) while completely ignoring some iconic mechs or mech slots (such as the Phoenix Hawk medium scout leader or the Wolverine jumping brawler). Also, the 55 ton and 75 ton classes are actually mathematically the "sweet spot" for mech design. The 75 tonner (mostly because of the 300 engine) gives the most payload for the 4/6 movement class (until you get to endo steel, which takes a crapton of crit slots). The 55 ton chassis has the most payload for a 5/8/5 jumper. The Phoenix Hawk is either the best frame for 6/9/6, or is tied with the 40 ton slot, but can carry more armor. There's nothing comparable in the current line up. My point was that PGI keeps adding more mechs into either niche roles (like the Cicada) or already overburdened slots (like the Trebuchet and the Jagermech).
How are the Hunchback, Centurion and Trebuchet the same roles? One is a slower close range brawler, the second is a jack of all trades and the third is a jumping long range support 'Mech. You're more than likely never ever going to get either the Wolverine or Phoenix Hawk so why even bring them up? Third if you want a jumping brawler get yourself a TBT-5N or 7M SRM6 and MLas or MPulse. A "command" 'Mech that jumps like the Phoenix Hawk get either of those Trebuchets put a LLas and a couple MLas on with a BAP and maybe some missiles.
As for the "sweet spot" someone already pointed it out, you get an extra half ton, big freaking deal. Sacrifice a half ton of armor or an extra ton of ammo, if you're customizing it doesn't really make a big deal.
Overburdened slots? You have the Catapult and Trebuchet (plus an Awesome variant) that act as missile support. Trebuchet is faster with less armor while the Catapult is slower with better armor, how is that an overburdened slot? (2 'Mechs different weight classes and different strengths/weaknesses) The JaegerMech? You have the Awesome and the JaegerMech (with a Catapult and Cataphract variants) that preform long range direct fire support. One is an Assault class that uses energy weapons and the other a heavy that uses ballistics. Again not a whole lot of burdening going on.
I get it you want your precious unseen 'Mechs and you're upset they aren't putting any in and/or you want to min/max to the max and are a little frustrated about that .5 tons you can't use. Get over it they are giving you what they can in a game that is still "beta" and under heavy development. And none of the 'Mechs they've given us are crappy or redundant.
der langsamere, on 08 March 2013 - 12:39 PM, said:
when was Angel ECM (the one that stops Streaks) developed out of curiosity?
After the battle of Luthien? THREE YEARS ON?
Yeah... thats how
The ECM in MWO is neither Guardian nor Angel nor like either of them and that's the problem.
ECM Suite(from TW pp. 134):
Within its effect radius, an ECM suite has the following effects on the following systems. The ECM suite does not affect other scanning and targeting devices, such as TAG and targeting computers.
Active Probes (BAP): Active probes cannot penetrate the ECM's area of effect. The probing unit would notice that it is being jammed, however.
Artemis IV FCS: ECM blocks the effects of Artemis IV fire control systems. Artemis-equipped launchers may be fired as normal missiles through the ECM, but they loose the Cluster Hits Table bonus.
In other words we should still be able to lock LRMs when someone has ECM but the lock on speed and increase in individual missile hits would go away and it'd be as if we weren't Artemis equipped
Narc Missile Beacon: Missiles equipped to hom in on an attached Narc pod lose the Cluster Hits Table bonus for that system if the pods themselves lie within an ECM "bubble." The Narc launcher itself [...] is not affected by ECM.
If you Narc a guy and he is protected by ECM your missile boat can still lock and fire like normal, he just doesn't get the bonus the Narc normally gives.
Angel ECM Suite (TO pp. 279):
The Angel ECM Suite works like standard ECM, but can also block the [...]
(Jihad era equipment not applicable here)[...] and even negates the locking systems of Streak missiles. Streak missiles fired into or through a hostile Angel ECM bubble will not fire if the to-hit roll fails, but on a successful Streak launcher attack, the attacker must roll on the Cluster tables as though the launcher were a standard (non-Streak) model.
Your Streak SRM2s now fire like regular SRM2s
MWO ECM from
David Bradley said:
When a Mech is hidden by a friendly ECM:
Enemy Mechs will have to come within 1/4 the normal distance (200 m instead of 800 m, by default) for hidden Mechs to show up on their battlegrid and HUD.
The Beagle Active Probe is of no use in extending this range.
It takes twice as long to achieve a missile lock against a hidden Mech.
Narc beacons will stick to hidden Mechs, but they won’t provide their normal bonuses until the Mech leaves the ECM’s range.
Artemis IV does not provide any bonuses against hidden Mechs.
When your Mech is disrupted by an enemy ECM:
You will not know where your teammates are, and they won’t know where you are, unless you have direct line of sight to each other.
You cannot share any targeting data with the rest of your team, and vice versa.
Your Beagle Active Probe ceases to function.
You cannot achieve any missile locks.
Your TAG laser can still fire but provides no bonuses.
Your battlegrid and targeting information will flicker.
Shorter detection range is not in the real rules and is
THE problem especially since it is being applied to every 'Mech friendly to the ECM unit that are within range. Because units can't be detected until they are within 200m a whole team can "cloak" right up to or past their enemy. Combine that not being able to share targeting data (which only applies to C3 systems) and the fact friendly 'Mechs in enemy ECM are invisible, means that a team with ECM can sneak up on and destroy enemy 'Mechs without their team even knowing they are in danger much less assist.
The fact that it blocks
all missile locks and not just Streak is another problem since in TT you target enemy 'Mechs and not hexes (unless you're using special munitions) and ECM doesn't stop that. In MWO targeting enemy 'Mechs with LRMs is represented by the locks we get and if we can't get them because of ECM then ECM is suddenly far far more powerful than it is in TT and more powerful than it was ever intended to be.
My point is that ECM
isn't like Angel ECM at all, it is its own breed of super, abominably powerful ECM that is not representative of any ECM that exists in BattleTech.