With the advent of the in game testing grounds I have been testing out streak effects on targets.
My first test was a Raven 3L firing a streak 2 launcher at a commando facing was head on at a distance of 30m.The target reticule was placed over the commando's left leg.
I had expected to see two distinct body locations being struck and specificly torso locations.
What I did get was interesting to say the least.
I observed the streaks striking the targets center mass as expected even though the target reticule was resting over the left leg of the target.What happened next was unexpected.
Damage registered to CT and RT turning these location orange on the target display.
AND the head,left torso,right leg and right arm were also damaged turning them yellow on the target display.
6 distinct target locations were damaged by 2 missiles.
I repeated this several times and observed similar effects each time.At least 5 body locations were effected by 2 missiles and always the RT/CT/LT were the most damaged and destroyed first.
I then moved on to test fire on a larger target.An Awesome was my next test subject.
I had similar results with a lower degree of "splash". I would consistantly observe more distinct body locations being damaged than missiles striking the target combined with a very strong bias towards torso damage.
While the commando would be damaged in 5-6 locations per volley of 2 missiles the Awesome would be damaged in 3-4 locations by the two missiles.
This indicates that Streaks do home in on torsos inflicting 2.5 damage per missile to the locations struck AND provide additional 'Splash" damage in excess of the 2.5 per missile.
I encourage others to confirm my findings.
Streak Oddity
Started by Lykaon, Mar 06 2013 12:29 PM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 06 March 2013 - 12:29 PM
Posted 06 March 2013 - 12:31 PM
Sounds like the splash may also be out of whack - I've suspected this for a while honestly. Streaks and SRMs might need to have that reigned in or removed entirely. From what I'm aware of, they originally added splash to allow a chance to crit internals when they struck something else, and to allow near misses to still hit (shoot the legs, shots impact around the foot, can still do damage etc). However lately it seems like they just roll full damage onto any other part that is hit, meaning 'shot traps' now exist on mechs allowing you to deal extra damage to a mech based on where you hit.
Edited by Monky, 06 March 2013 - 12:33 PM.
Posted 06 March 2013 - 12:57 PM
Splash does occur and it's a fairly large area of effect.It almost looks like a misplaced decimal in order of magnitude.
In my testing a right torso strike on an Awesome also struck the center torso and right arm locations.This shows a significantly sized splash zone for the detonation.Something in the area of 3 meters.
If I am correct then a location struck by a streak takes 2.5 damage and every other location with 3m takes splash damage.
This is a significant finding when concidering damage output.Previously we were lead to believe that a streak launcher inflicted 5 damage per salvo but now I am possitive that it is significantly higher and has improved effectivness the smaller the target is.
I will be testing SRM2 damage and splash effects next.
In my testing a right torso strike on an Awesome also struck the center torso and right arm locations.This shows a significantly sized splash zone for the detonation.Something in the area of 3 meters.
If I am correct then a location struck by a streak takes 2.5 damage and every other location with 3m takes splash damage.
This is a significant finding when concidering damage output.Previously we were lead to believe that a streak launcher inflicted 5 damage per salvo but now I am possitive that it is significantly higher and has improved effectivness the smaller the target is.
I will be testing SRM2 damage and splash effects next.
Edited by Lykaon, 06 March 2013 - 12:59 PM.
Posted 06 March 2013 - 01:08 PM
I noticed this splash effect when I was piloting a SplatCat - I was very near my enemy when I fired and actually HEADSHOTTED MYSELF. I laughed myself silly when I saw DEMAX51 has killed DEMAX51 and checked my death recap screen to find that my head had been destroyed.
I can certainly see leaving splash damage in the game for SRMs, but maybe simply regining this in is the nerf that Streaks so desperately need?
I can certainly see leaving splash damage in the game for SRMs, but maybe simply regining this in is the nerf that Streaks so desperately need?
Posted 06 March 2013 - 01:51 PM
Interesting observation. Another player remarked that the stats page suggest he hits only with 77 % of his Streaks... AMS interceptions? Terrain? Bugs? And yet another player observed that the calculated damage per shot for his Gauss Rifle would exceed its expected damage of 15/shot.
With the Testing Grounds and the Profile Stats page, we might be able to gather a lot more interesting data. (Too bad we cannot directly combine them and get a Stats Page that only shows Testing Ground data. Quite the opposite, the testing ground data is not tracked at all. Well, not visibly.)
With the Testing Grounds and the Profile Stats page, we might be able to gather a lot more interesting data. (Too bad we cannot directly combine them and get a Stats Page that only shows Testing Ground data. Quite the opposite, the testing ground data is not tracked at all. Well, not visibly.)
Posted 06 March 2013 - 01:53 PM
IIRC, gauss can pierce through the armor, thus hitting multiple targets if lined up.
That's the only thing I can think of at the moment.
That's the only thing I can think of at the moment.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 04:20 AM
I loaded 2 SSRM-2 on my Jenner and set about destroying Commando's in the training grounds.
Firing the first salvo head on at center torso, 4 missiles with a nominal damage of 10 points. Head turns yellow, center torso turns red, all side torso armour gone and internals yellow, arms orange and legs yellow. Second salvo and the Commando is destroyed.
I then tried to replicate the damage done from the first salvo with a medium laser, this took roughly 14 hits (70 damage) that means each missile was probably doing over 15 points of damage.
Against larger targets its harder to tell how much damage is being done, but most of the time 4 salvo's against the rear armour of the Atlas will strip at least two torso sections and turn the third orange and some of the arms and legs will turn yellow. Probably getting 4-5 points of damage per missile.
Against the Jenner I was getting mixed results, it seems to be big enough for spread to come into play or its shape acts as a blast deflector for the splash damage to be inconsistent, but I think each missile is doing between 5-7.5 points of damage.
So I take my Jenner into a live battle, 16 missiles fired, 16 missiles hit, 33 points of damage done I'm pretty sure that when I am hit by Streak Missiles they are doing more than 2 points of damage.
Firing the first salvo head on at center torso, 4 missiles with a nominal damage of 10 points. Head turns yellow, center torso turns red, all side torso armour gone and internals yellow, arms orange and legs yellow. Second salvo and the Commando is destroyed.
I then tried to replicate the damage done from the first salvo with a medium laser, this took roughly 14 hits (70 damage) that means each missile was probably doing over 15 points of damage.
Against larger targets its harder to tell how much damage is being done, but most of the time 4 salvo's against the rear armour of the Atlas will strip at least two torso sections and turn the third orange and some of the arms and legs will turn yellow. Probably getting 4-5 points of damage per missile.
Against the Jenner I was getting mixed results, it seems to be big enough for spread to come into play or its shape acts as a blast deflector for the splash damage to be inconsistent, but I think each missile is doing between 5-7.5 points of damage.
So I take my Jenner into a live battle, 16 missiles fired, 16 missiles hit, 33 points of damage done I'm pretty sure that when I am hit by Streak Missiles they are doing more than 2 points of damage.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 06:32 AM
Interesting results. I tried the experiment with SRM2 and medium lasers on the commandos. I found with the SRM2 that at 34 meters, it took 4 shots into the CT to destroy the commando. On the 3rd shot, both of the commando's side torsos were destroyed, the head in critical and the legs severely damaged. With the medium lasers, it took 2 firings of 4 medium lasers to destroy the commando at the same range. There was no splash damage however, and the commando fell merely cored.
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