Ilwrath, on 08 March 2013 - 07:25 AM, said:
Soon there will be no personal choice. All games will follow scam-like business models. The new generations are so used to it now that it is becoming the standard.
sadly i actualy agree with this post, reason being companies today (for the most part) at the very top do not give a crap about customers or employees, they are seen as little piggy banks and a means to yank the money out of those piggy banks.
Little companies doing F2P in a good or bad way is one thing, once big companies start getting into the game, especially games with greedy and anti customer track records to being with (EA, Activision) it will not end well.
Good example is the EXTREME DRM these companies have implemented that does ZERO against piracy, but creates tons of hoops to jump thru for actualy customers.
The real reason they do alot of what they do is control for the end result of forced spending, "oh you bout our game from 4 years ago? that millions still play? well we have a new version out and we will not be running the authentication servers for that game anymore so you have to buy the new game."
i havent heard of anything that bad or overt YET but only matter of time, the language in EULA and TOS give them all the legal coverage they need to do it.
I seriously forsee a day when you buy a game and its hard core leased to you (you currently lease the games but its only worded that way to protect themselves) so you get the game for say 6 months - a year and oh sorry if you want to play it any more you need to update your license. Kinda like how some antivirus companies work.
If you dont think it could and will happen then think about the biggest greediest ***** you know and imagine them running a company because guess what there are people like that and 10x worse.
and it doesnt help that most people under around 25 have zero idea of what real privacy is and are always willing to handover everything to get nothing.
Edited by Ph30nix, 08 March 2013 - 08:09 AM.