Harusee, on 10 March 2013 - 06:36 PM, said:
As for destroying the community, I believe there are enough players in the primary time zones to support it, but maybe I am wrong, the EU server will die and you will be back to playing on the NA server. So you can support a better play experience for regional players or stubbornly stay on the NA server with a bad experience so you wont be stuck on a server with no population which is what it sounds like you are really complaining about.
Hi Harusee,
I'd like to address your comments regarding this issue and invite you to vote in the Server Split thread, the link is in my sig.
Whilst there is no doubt that playing on a more local server will offer better performance in terms of latency, I find that with my connection (mediocrely fast Internet based in UK), I get a ping of 100-120, which is perfectly playable, especially with state-rewind. So I'd just like to state that not every non-US/CA player complains about the current game performance.
With regards the size of the population, we are unable to know how many active players there are. But if the split goes ahead as stated in this ATD if EU server does 'die' (ie. low player count, but still open) we will be unable to return to the US server as our accounts will be locked.
What I am actually complaining about is being forced to decide who I want to play with. I have nothing against localisation, it would be great to have local servers to play on, I just want the choice per session of which I want to use.
The second thing I am complaining about is, if I am obliged to make an account per region to continue playing with my overseas clanmates, that I will have to repurchase/regrind everything I have on my main account. This if nothing else makes it seem like a money grab.