This is utterly rad/ the Clan Wolf- Jade Falcon refusal war is easily the ultimate story of this universe. The space battle sequence looked amazing. Please keep doing what you are doing - you have a great imagination and I would totally pay to see the feature!!
IF I may interject about accents though - in my opinion any accents of voice actors should probably be flattened out. Definitely no obvious twangs or slurs should be picked up. It was usually hard to detect accents in MW2 and GBL voices. These are the batch-bred genetically engineered Warrior Caste of the Clans, after all. Even in present day fighting forces: Her Majesty's armed forces of the United Kingdom for example - all of the accents (Scottish, Welsh, Irish, New Zealand and Commonwealth etc etc) all dampen out into the Queen's English over time. Time and isolation form a cultural melting pot of sorts.. I would consider a strong Australian or American or Northern English accent to be very out of place in this particular context.
Just my .2c.. but loving your work nontheless
Edit: - except subtle Russian accents of course - for obvious reasons those belong here..
Edited by Joseph Ward, 25 March 2013 - 02:51 AM.