Treckin, on 09 March 2013 - 08:05 PM, said:
Say what you like but I sport almost a 3.0 KD I know what Im doing, and I am only calling out the LRMS since the NEW patch and their NEW animations. L2R.
Honestly trying to equate KD/R to skill or experience in a game like MechWarrior is unworthy of the franchise, and absolutely counter to what it's all about. It's toting your personal ability to take down a 'Mech, but not your ability to support your team and work within the confines of the engagement you're in.
No friendly ECM 'Mechs on your team? Stay within visual range. Lots of LRM's on the other team? Don't fight in the open.
Just because you have a string of bad luck or a losing streak doesn't necessarily mean that one thing is unbalanced. I would be more willing to listen to you if you had presented an example of *exactly* where and how LRM's are acting in a broken or unbalanced manner. If you had explained the match situations in where you perceived them as too strong or acting wrong there might have been a basis for discussion. Instead, you raged, you name called at the developers who are doing a fantastic job of presenting a game that is not only entertaining but trying very hard to balance that with loyalty to its source material.
In short, instead of being constructive, you're acting like an entitled *** who thinks his opinion is the end all be all.