Your Savannah Master has been up on blocks for over a month…
You keep a six-pack under your command couch and a gun rack above it…
Your ECM system is just an 8-track caste player…
You think LBX and Ultra are type of beer…
Your AMS system is a 12-gage loaded with buckshot…
You keep a six-pack under your command couch and a gun rack above it…
Your ECM system is just an 8-track caste player…
You think LBX and Ultra are type of beer…
Your AMS system is a 12-gage loaded with buckshot…
Still haven't found any official documents on the subject, although a lot of rpg sites do mention players using the symbol in their campaigns.
Edited by Khazon Dax, 11 March 2013 - 10:23 PM.