One possible way this could be fixed without damage transfer being implemented is to simply require ammunition to be stored anywhere other than the legs. As a result, players would have to store ammo in either the arms, torsos, or head. If a player has no armor on his arms, he would be forced to place ammo in the torso, which would result in them being killed faster to body shots. If placed in the arms, it would require them to allocate armor there to prevent it from being lost.
Regardless, I think its silly in general to have ammo stored in the legs, it really doesn't make sense as you'd need some sort of belt to transfer the ammunition up the leg, while they're being contorted from movement. I'm no engineer, but with the muscular fiber, and skeleton in place, along with the wiring and tubing required for cooling, electricity, and etc, there wouldn't be room for a mechanism to transfer ammunition safely to a weapon higher up on the body without a risk of jamming or getting stuck.
Edited by Capnflintlock, 10 March 2013 - 01:53 PM.