Price wise Asus actually is more expensive most of the time and to my mind they are fugly. I mean I love my asus sabertooth MB, but those cards are just to ugly
1.22volts is extreme my current card who's gpu is fine (lets forget the vram) runs 1.2 at 1.169volts which is what it came with stock at a 1.1 ghz clock I added 100 Mhz with adding any volts and it is still stable. So either you have a really bad chip or you just pump in a lot more volts than is needed.
Keep in mind dropping the volts means lower temps!
Btw I do love you guys here, I ask advice in many places and many can give good advice, but here there is always more directed advice it seems which makes things a lot easier as it helps reduce a mountain of choices to a small pile.
Edited by Chiyeko Kuramochi, 11 March 2013 - 04:21 PM.