Visyac Cephias, on 11 March 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:
Ok, so there is a lot of hype about how the Clans are going to swoop out of the sky on the wings of Community warfare, laying waste to everything before them in an unstoppable tsunami that leaves only the lucky and the dead to tell of their passage.
What I want to know is how a Clan planetary invasion works.
The BT universe works with Fasanomics, it only takes a small force to conquer a entire planet. It only took 4 mechs to conquer Trellwan in
Decision at Thunder Rift.
Is it just like I'd imagine a mech invasion to go?
Depends on the situation.
Is the trial of Possession (Sarna!) involved, or is that just between Clans?
The Clans announce that they will invade the planet by declaring a trial of possesion.
Amongst the Clans they usually discuss what forces will be used and where they will fight for the planet.
The Inner Sphere powers are not familiar with Clan customs and will often foolishly insult the Clan commanders or "bid" all their forces in the fight. This often results in large Clan groups destroying every opponent in sight.
What changes do the Clans make to the planet once they are in possession of it?
The occupied population gets adopted into the Clans and their caste system. They have less liberties then before, this could cause riots and such. Although some backwater planets like the ones in the periphery actually benefitted from being invaded and enjoying a higher quality of living then they did before.
Is there a standard occupying force, or do they just blow alot of stuff up?
There are garrison forces consisting of guys who aren't really frontline material (some of them are considered too old).
Do they leave mech garrisons behind? Elementals?
Mech types ranging from capture IS machines, to high end Star League models to second line Clan mechs. Though they do have regular infantry and such. Elementals are mostly frontline troops.
What sort of differences are there between the individual Clans and their conduct to the planets citizens?
By Clan:
Clan Wolf: Nice at first, but turned strict after the Refusal War
Clan Ghost Bear: Neutral at first, but got along so well that they merged into one true nation
Clan Jade Falcon: Strict mixed with neutral
Clan Smoke Jaguar: Incredibly harsh
Clan Nova Cat: Varies from nice to neutral
Clan Steel Viper: Strict
Really, I'm looking for a general idea of what a local populace could expect to deal with. What are the odds of a planet successfully rebelling against a clan occupation, if they had the proper communications network and access to relevant resources?
There have never been any successful rebellions. The most extreme case was Turtlebay when Clan Smoke Jaguar destroyed a city from orbit .
Contrast this to Clan Jade Falcon, Aidan Pryde allowed himself to be captured to be by rebelling forces who were willing to blow up themselves and their children, just to try and reason with them. This didn't work out so his daughter went in to rescue him and the kids.
Edited by Stormwolf, 11 March 2013 - 11:40 AM.