Vincent Lynch, on 13 March 2013 - 04:41 AM, said:
No. Because random maps are too important to make people drive balanced builds. If maps could be chosen, this game would have to be renamed to Cheesewarrior Online. Also, for the same reason, you should not be able to change the Mech as soon you know which map it will be.
This is easily correted for, by havinng the option to select a random map in the lobby, or lock mech choice by vote. Or simply increase rewards for random maps/locked mechs. That way you can either risk dropping with your slow bravler into Alpine an cash in if you get it to work for you, or choose a mech apropriate to your needs.
I wouln´t allow mechlab changes in the loby, just picking of mechs. So you can hop into a weight class your team sorely misses.