TexAss, on 19 March 2013 - 02:21 AM, said:
They should grant you some premium time for this dude, or a hero mech or something.
this is what beta players should do!
Actually QA should have picked this up before now. (And
maybe they did, who knows? PGI probably wouldn't share their worst balance entanglements unless pressed to do so. ) Beta testers have been making threads for months, hell, I made one myself once I got one shotted by 2 LRM 15s in a 97% armored Raven2x. People have suspected that missiles had damage problems, and have run their own 'in game' tests. But no one has used the Training Grounds to test until now, it seems.
The problem is that every time someone raised the issue, some other player popped up to counter it, or say that it was all just our imaginations, because
THEY didn't think there was a problem. They didn't have proof, just their bloody trust and confidence, and I want to know why? Why we let the issue sit in limbo for so long based on the completely unfounded skepticism in the face of our own experiences?
They should name a Hero mech after him. A Dual AMS Jenner with MASC.