Serapth, on 14 March 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:
When you say 'bad ole days', do you mean for yourself or your competion during the brutal PuGstomp timeframe? We were all seeing results exactly as you describe months ago before ELO. If you were on the winning team the majority of that time, which your elite ELO status would seem to dictate, many people reading the OP are not feeling too badly for your current situation.
Does it suck being grouped with players that do not have the same game understanding as you do? Yuppers. Did it suck for the people just getting started with the game to be matched up against a group of your friends for months and months? Yuppers. I imagine the matchmaker is working things out. Adapt to your current situation... all the Pubbies did to get to this point.