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Elo Issue? (Super High Elo Players)

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#141 shabowie


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Posted 14 March 2013 - 07:29 PM

View PostTargetloc, on 14 March 2013 - 07:17 PM, said:

Even if it is just picking randomly from the middle at a certain point, all new players start in the middle, so there's a statistically high chance you will pick up a bunch of new players.

That might be part of it. But some of the pubbies I am dropping with are not a normal new guy kind of bad. And these guys are being seen when I drop in a 4 man, not when I solo drop, which reinforces my opinion its genuinely awful players being used to lower the total power level of a team that contains a 4 man group who all individually score pretty high.

#142 mekabuser


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Posted 14 March 2013 - 07:40 PM

View PostRiceyFighter, on 14 March 2013 - 12:58 PM, said:

I don't play groups all the time. Is just that isolated day where I played in 4 man.

rgr that. ~S~ well, as others have said, enjoy the challenge. If i were u, id spend 20 seconds typing say, we 4 man.. this is the plan. Should help immensely.. Right now I have no sympathy for anyone as Im trying to just finish up the unlocks on the SPD k and trying to play under less than ideal conditions... Just 4000 xp to go. All you streak commando pilots< i guess thats 90 percent of commando pilots> , Im going to make you all suffer.

#143 shabowie


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Posted 14 March 2013 - 07:44 PM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 March 2013 - 07:40 PM, said:

rgr that. ~S~ well, as others have said, enjoy the challenge. If i were u, id spend 20 seconds typing say, we 4 man.. this is the plan. Should help immensely.. Right now I have no sympathy for anyone as Im trying to just finish up the unlocks on the SPD k and trying to play under less than ideal conditions... Just 4000 xp to go. All you streak commando pilots&lt; i guess thats 90 percent of commando pilots&gt; , Im going to make you all suffer.

If you are playing spiders you like the punishment. :D

#144 SgtKinCaiD


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 05:07 AM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 March 2013 - 07:40 PM, said:

rgr that. ~S~ well, as others have said, enjoy the challenge. If i were u, id spend 20 seconds typing say, we 4 man.. this is the plan. Should help immensely.. Right now I have no sympathy for anyone as Im trying to just finish up the unlocks on the SPD k and trying to play under less than ideal conditions... Just 4000 xp to go. All you streak commando pilots< i guess thats 90 percent of commando pilots> , Im going to make you all suffer.

LoL, just as if the pug will listen to you : no, they are already chasing the squirel aka a scout although they all have heavy/assault mech.

#145 Stealthsfury


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 08:45 AM

View PostJohn MatriX82, on 14 March 2013 - 08:24 AM, said:

I have the same feeling, but since ELO introduction I feel forced to employ cheesy builds or go heavy/assault to have a major impact in the matches I do.. therefore nearly the 75% of the mechs I own are taking rust on them, or I'm having an hard time to exp anything new, since the MM doesn't account me differently when I am in a not even basic cent or when I'm into my uberly mastered Atlas.

By this I want to say that I like when matches are close, I also enjoy when I lose by long and furious battles, those when you feel yourself strained to just survive.. but later on I get tired to do wonders only to get leveled to the ground and see that no matter how good I could do, the difference is so nigh in the other team.. you lose the &quot;enjoying factor&quot; in playing this way.

Later on, 8 man games (i mean 8 man premades) have become much more &quot;relaxing&quot; than pugging or do some group play to have some fun expermenting other builds or mechs.

So very true. 8 mans have become a big stress relief. My only hope is that we get 5-7 range grouping back so that it would be easier to maintain or build an eight man with more consistency. ELO makes me feel like I have to wear my Superman cape far too often.

#146 Viper69


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 08:53 AM

I wonder how people know its everyone else that is sucking and its not them. Usually I find when I have a streak of bad games I look at the common denominator and its usually myself. When I stop playing miraculously I stop having bad games. :ph34r:

#147 John MatriX82


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:13 AM

View PostStealthsfury, on 15 March 2013 - 08:45 AM, said:

So very true. 8 mans have become a big stress relief. My only hope is that we get 5-7 range grouping back so that it would be easier to maintain or build an eight man with more consistency. ELO makes me feel like I have to wear my Superman cape far too often.

I believe it's fair to leave 4 and 8 mans separated, although later on ELO usually puts several time a 4man with a 4m vs a dual 4man in the other team as well.. trouble is it does this without accounting even the average classes used:

Posted Image

I've posted this elswhere and I have several other screens of similar episodes, but this happens pretty much several times each evening :/

#148 FerretGR


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:15 AM

View PostViper69, on 15 March 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:

I wonder how people know its everyone else that is sucking and its not them. Usually I find when I have a streak of bad games I look at the common denominator and its usually myself. When I stop playing miraculously I stop having bad games. :P

I've been subtly trying to say this in like three threads. For folks who are losing a lot, there's definitely a common denominator :ph34r: It's hard for folks to self-examine, I guess.

#149 Xerxys


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:25 AM

View PostWarZ, on 14 March 2013 - 12:22 PM, said:

I noticed that since that last elo change, im being put on a team as essentially the only good player. The team gets wiped out, I deliver carnage, then get overwhelmed in the end. Its getting old. I like a good match but a forgone conclusion is sad.

For example, went 5 matches in a row doing:
823 damage, 2 kills
915 damage, 3 kills
758 damage 2 kills
1098 damage 5 kills
676 damage, 3 kills
... next nearest teammate in each of those matches did under 270 damage, with 4 of those teammates all doing under 200 damage. Lost all 5. I did not run a missile boat. I'm direct fire by preference, and always in the thick of it.

Soo, for 5 matches in a row I was put in a position where I nearly out damaged my entire team, or came close to it. I did great, but even with all that effort, I get overwhelmed in the end, and suffer a loss.

WTF ???

Now normally I dont suffer that many losses in a row, that was just a very striking example of being saddled with very sub par players constantly. This type of matchmaking is happening constantly. It really is wearing thin.

You did some insane damage and I don't doubt your talent necessarily, but damage done to your team also counts for damage for you. I can't tell you how may times I've lost my CT rear armor b/c some jackass on my team decided he'd fire regardless of my position when I was less than 50m in front of him. One must also account for the mech you were piloting as it's much more difficult to get 600+ damage games in a light mech compared to even a medium.

I've had many games where my team was damaging me just as much (if not more) than the enemies were. I confirmed this by watching the cross-eyed S.O.B. trying to shoot while in spectator mode and damaging another teammate as often (sometimes more so) than he was damaging his/her target.

I've also had matches where 2-300 damage put me in the top 4 on the charts for the match. Sometimes it's just dumb luck(or complete lack of it) that determines how I do in a match. I choose to pilot light mechs (for the most part) and often find myself facing the entire enemy troupe because I turned a blind corner right into the middle of their pack and I usually don't last long when this happens. But as a light mech I feel it is my job to go out and find the enemy.

Keep these things in mind the next time you're shooting and nobody seems to be able to do a damned thing. Sometimes your own team may be doing more harm than good is what I'm really saying.

Edited by Xerxys, 25 March 2013 - 04:11 AM.

#150 Horned Bull


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:58 AM

This thread is golden. Pubstompers are now getting matched with new players so they can't stomp easily anymore? It just made my day. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed it for months of pubstomping.

#151 Xerxys


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 04:10 AM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 March 2013 - 07:40 PM, said:

rgr that. ~S~ well, as others have said, enjoy the challenge. If i were u, id spend 20 seconds typing say, we 4 man.. this is the plan. Should help immensely.. Right now I have no sympathy for anyone as Im trying to just finish up the unlocks on the SPD k and trying to play under less than ideal conditions... Just 4000 xp to go. All you streak commando pilots< i guess thats 90 percent of commando pilots> , Im going to make you all suffer.

I did that with the spiders and am finishing up the Raven. lol... I know exactly where you're coming from on this one. All the losses from the 5K must have affected my elo I'm sure, but I generally don't care. I must be on the low end because when I die I notice that most of my teammates couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at point blank range. So many times I watch them wondering if they're not wearing much needed glasses or if they're experiencing lag issues because their aim is so bad. I especially love watching those LRMs being launched at point blank range. I do have to admit that I'm a pretty streaky player. I have some damned awesome games and turn right around and make noob mistakes.

I'm not altogether sociable so I drop solo better than 90% of the time. My win ratio is just under 50% on the whole. I usually do very well, but from time to time I encounter that person that makes me have to step up my game.

Edited by Xerxys, 25 March 2013 - 04:14 AM.

#152 SgtKinCaiD


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:22 AM

View PostKorm, on 25 March 2013 - 03:58 AM, said:

This thread is golden. Pubstompers are now getting matched with new players so they can't stomp easily anymore? It just made my day. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed it for months of pubstomping.

And your post is golden for not reading the entire thread.

High-Elo ratings and low-elo ratings should have their own matchs, they should not be mixed together for the sake of having a lower waiting time. That's the problem. Add that ECM, tonnage not balanced, et voilà, the matchs are totally screwed up.

Edited by SgtKinCaiD, 25 March 2013 - 05:24 AM.

#153 Sprouticus


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:33 AM

People in our unit are resorting to alt-F4 if the searching circle spins for more than 5-10 seconds. Because the longer you have to wait the greater the chance of being put in a group of underhivers.

#154 Teralitha


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:41 AM

View PostKorm, on 25 March 2013 - 03:58 AM, said:

This thread is golden. Pubstompers are now getting matched with new players so they can't stomp easily anymore? It just made my day. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed it for months of pubstomping.

Pubstompers generally always were matched up with new players. All you did here was admit that you sucked for months. I have played solo games too you know... and I still usually score high even when my team loses. Do I complain? No. Are there games where I suck and end up near the bottom of the scores? Rarely, but yes, and I only blame myself for my ****** performance.

#155 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:58 AM

Just funny how an OP says that ...

View PostRiceyFighter, on 13 March 2013 - 11:24 PM, said:

Average to Above Average members and will literally rip apart our pug members within the first 5 minutes of the match and we are always the last 4 standing and doing the most damage. So it always ends up being 4 V 8 because our pugs can't keep it together.

Just out of curiosity ... what are you 4 doing for these 5 minutes? Your teammates apparently are getting killed (aka drawing enemy fire) which gives you a perfect chance to kill at least 2-3 enemy mechs without being fired at. 4 people focusing fire should be able to take down any mech in 1 minute or even faster. The whole problem is that you act like a 4 man premade among poor puggies not as 4 members of an 8 man team. You split - you die. When 1 guy charges ahead and dies its his fault, when 4 guys charge ahead and die it is equally their fault and the fault of 4 guys who didn't support the charge.

#156 Tikkamasala


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:02 AM

View PostSprouticus, on 25 March 2013 - 05:33 AM, said:

People in our unit are resorting to alt-F4 if the searching circle spins for more than 5-10 seconds. Because the longer you have to wait the greater the chance of being put in a group of underhivers.

Is that why there are so many 6 or 7 vs 8 games nowadays? Or will the matchmaker cancel the match for everyone else in those situations?

Edited by Tikkamasala, 25 March 2013 - 06:03 AM.

#157 Lil Cthulhu


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:07 AM

View PostRiceyFighter, on 13 March 2013 - 11:34 PM, said:

I don't think so because our entire drop night was constantly bad pug players ranging from Atlases DDC with only 2 Large Laser and AC 20, to spiders with machineguns. Also most of them can't even shoot straight or run trial mechs.

Hey, if you were in that game with me last night the two LL wasn't my fault. The game decided to drop me sans-autocannons even though I had them equipped, had 8 tons of ammo for them and they were still equipped after the match.

Where, oh were is my little lost UAC.

#158 Snowhawk


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:25 AM

View PostKorm, on 25 March 2013 - 03:58 AM, said:

This thread is golden. Pubstompers are now getting matched with new players so they can't stomp easily anymore? It just made my day. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed it for months of pubstomping.

Lol... thought the same.... :) :ph34r: :huh: :huh:

#159 Yokaiko


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:30 AM

View PostKorm, on 25 March 2013 - 03:58 AM, said:

This thread is golden. Pubstompers are now getting matched with new players so they can't stomp easily anymore? It just made my day. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed it for months of pubstomping.

I quit because I couldn't pug anymore.

So that is like almost $1000 a year at the rate I was spending gone.

#160 topgun505


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:36 AM

Yeah I really don't see ELO working much, if at all.

I am good, but not fantastic. Yet when I play in 2-4 man premades I frequently get paired against the guy who runs the RHOD league and I know he's extremely good and usually runs in a 4-man group of an equal level skill folks and they invariably crush the pubs on my team so it always feels like my small squad against the entire team. Of course, why such a person feels the need to pug-stomp in the first place instead of 8-man i think is shameful... But it would just be nice if ELO would do a better job of balancing.

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