Funkadelic Mayhem, on 25 March 2013 - 11:11 AM, said:
Its funny you say this and support this 50/50 every one is equally special Elo system. LMFAO!
Quit saying this 50/50 quote. All that proves is that you don't have any idea how Elo works.
Elo *never* looks at or cares about your W/L ratio.
Elo attempts to match you with players of near equal skill level.
Statistics being what they are, players of equal skill each have an equal chance of winning. This is completely different from trying for a 50/50 ratio.
Elo looks at one stat, and one stat only - Did you win or lose the current game. That is what changes your Elo Score. That is it, not your previous games, not what it thinks your future 10 games will be.
If you win or lose against an equal opponent then your score doesn't change much, if at all. If you beat someone rated significantly higher than you, then your score improves a large amount to reflect that your Elo score is too low. If you are beaten by someone who's score is dramatically lower than yours then your score will go down a great deal to reflect that you are rated too high.
That's it. No voodoo, no trying to make your W/L percentage 50/50. But if you are playing people who have the same skill, all things being equal, each of you has an equal chance of winning. Now, with the complexity/variety of the Mechs and classes, voice coms, pre-made vs pug, etc, all things are not equal. So it can take hundreds or thousands of matches for your elo to be an accurate reflection of your ability in each mech class, especially if you are changing things yourself e.g. different load outs or different mechs in the same weight class.