I ran a search on the forums, while finding discussion about the design and looks of the MWO Centurion, I didnt find a definite poll on the issue. I noticed most people are for the current MWO design, while a minority preferred the old one. Therefore I started this thread mainly to get a % figure of opinions here. I apologised if this has been done before, being a Centurion fan, n with the latest video showing more of the mech and the way it moves, I just wanted the community to sound out again on this once more.
Im going to put the pics together for a quick comparison.
For myself, I kinda like the design from Mechcommander. Try to focus on the Centurion shots in the video, 0:53 and 2:01. I like the way it moves as well, a kind of robotic grace
If most are for the current MWO design, I would like to suggest to make the design leaner, the current shoulders make it looks too 'squatlike.' Currently i feel that its head is like hunching down between its shoulders, if the head can be made to stand out more alittle, it would be great.
EDIT: Sorry the poll result got deleted for some reason during an edit. I restarted it. The results then were 75% for the MWO design, none for the BT design haha, some for the Mechcom design, n a few for a compromise.
Edited by RainbowToh, 19 July 2012 - 02:19 AM.