Haitchpeasauce, on 18 March 2013 - 04:23 PM, said:
I have no idea where you get any of your wildly generalising and unfounded statements from.
Sir, I have been tracking discussion about missiles and I've seen no overwhelming sentiment that they wish missiles removed entirely. Rather, many of them are dedicated LRM users and SRM users that support PGI making steps to resolve something they admitted was an unintended result, and these users agree that the damage values are not reasonable or fair.
So what if damage is going to see a nerf. LRMs will continue to play an area denying effect on the game, they will still dish out the pain to the foolish mech in the open. SRM6 will still deal gauss rifle damage on a full hit. I totally support the idea of LRM support fire, and SRM/SSRM blanket damage weaponry, and myself continue to use them, but as it stands the game is NOT balanced around them. A pair of SRM6 should NOT blow all the components off a Commando and kill it. Sure it's satisfying and I've LOL'd when it happened, but given the COM armour that this is not supposed to happen.
Perhaps it's comforting to believe that those who hold a view contrary to yours are inferior, since they are now "elitists", based on the assumption these elitists claim that LRM users rely solely upon their guided weaponry to fight, and would otherwise be unable to hit their target.
What an absurd claim on your part.
Actually I've seen a lot of complaints to the effect that "X Boat doesn't require Skill"---well, isn't being smart enough to use a good design part of being skilled? Isn't Mech Design there for a reason, because creativity is a skill? Or does skill only apply to sniping/circle strafing? It really doesn't matter, Nightcrept's point is legit. Most complaints about LRMs is they "require no skillz", which is kinda ridiculous.
Now if LRMs/SRMs are doing unintended splash damage that is one thing, but a lot of the QQ seems to be over the fact that players think they should be allowed to pigeonhole somebody else's Mech i.e. outlaw SRM Boating, or Laser Boating, or LRM Boating, etc. Always for "the good of the game" of course.