...or, Consumerism for Dummies.
Gentlemen, less than 24 hours remain until Coolantgeddon. Many of us are still displeased by PGI's "fix" to the situation, due to the changes it will bring to the overall metagame. Even Phil on NGNG pointed out that we were so close to having a well balanced heat system, and then...this.
But all is not yet lost!
The entire point of adding coolant flushes (and the other consumables for that matter) is to create a new source of income for PGI. This is understandable; a company needs money to survive and continue producing new content. However, this, in the eyes of both myself and many others, is not the way to go about it. We do not want large coolant flushes. We do not want priority support strikes. We want 'Mechs. We want game modes. We want new paint jobs. We want those derpy little bobbleheads, ESPECIALLY when they're Urbie-related.
How do we fight back when the argument seems all but lost? Hit them back, not only here, on the forums, but right in their wallets. If you have MC, take it and spend it on new 'Mechs, new paints, new cockpit items, anything but consumables. Refuse to purchase consumables. Encourage your friends to not use consumables. It's one thing to do an outright boycott, but by buying -other- things, we will make our message heard loud and clear: We do not want consumables. We want more MechWarrior!
When the numbers are run tomorrow, I assure you that if sales of new JagerMechs and other items far and away outscore consumables, and we continue to ask that they be removed from the game, PGI will realize that they have more to gain by devoting manpower to the things we ARE buying, and not the things we've rallied against for two weeks straight.
This is a war for the very soul of MWO. I need your help to fight it. Contrary to popular belief, MWO is not a dictatorship - it is in fact a democracy, and your money is your ballot. Join me, and vote for balance, vote for good game design, vote for MechWarrior Online - the game we were promised!

This public service announcement was paid for by Kong Interstellar Security Solutions, a subsidiary of Kong Interstellar Corporation.
Edited by valkyrie, 18 March 2013 - 06:01 PM.