Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 18 March 2013 - 06:38 PM, said:
Since they have removed all trace of pay 2 win from the consumables, the only objection remaining is from a game play standpoint. I fail to see how a single, relatively minor coolant flush is anything more than a crutch or a gimmick. A crutch for those who tend to die really fast because they shut down in front of the enemy team right at the start of each fight, or a gimmick for those who want to be able to get that extra quad-ppc alpha off once per game.
In neither case do I see it as game breaking, and certainly not worthy of boycotting. If you're bad enough to need it, or trolly enough to want it, then by all means give PGI your money (or your time, if you spend c-bills instead, since you totally can do the exact same thing with c-bills that you can with MC).
In the right hands an extra alpha or two can decide a match.
Even though the GXP C-bill version is equivalent to the MC version it is still Pay2Win because a free player cannot purchase the consumables for every match the same way a real money player can. This isn't a matter of scoring high or grinding. Mathematically, a free player would lose money every match they use consumables.
And it doesn't matter if "people won't use it every match" or if the consumables are a "crutch".
They cause a paid player to gain an advantage. Paying for an advantage is Pay2Win, as Bryan has stated in the past.