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Ask the Devs 5!

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#101 Bastard


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 04:27 PM

Hello there devs! Great work at this far.

My only concern is that will it be possible to customize your controls and also use joystick for an example, to play this game?
I have two Logitec3 Joysticks with 11 buttons and calibration just waiting to get their piece of action.
Actually my plan is to combine both of them, other one for moving and other for aiming.

So yeah, that's how hyped I am. So...

Q: Will it possible to customize your controls and use controllers like gamepads and joysticks?

#102 Grotonomus


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 04:31 PM

View PostArden Sortek, on 03 June 2012 - 02:27 PM, said:

Q: Will you be able to dump your ammunition?

View PostRobby Vitriolic, on 03 June 2012 - 04:20 PM, said:

Is that a reference to Steel Battalion 'clip dumping'?
<edit: Keeping it on topic>

Would the purpose of dumping ammo be to reduce the chance of an explosion, or to reduce weight and increase mobility?

I asked that because ammunition can be hit and explode. If, say your Hunchback's AC/20 has been destroyed you should probably dump your AC/20 ammo out of your left torso so it doesn't destroy your Mech when hit like in a Table Top match.

#103 That Guy


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 04:47 PM

How robust do you plan on making the Merc Corp HQ section in game? Will a merc corp be able to conduct all of its business, recruitment, planning and administrative tasks in game, or will external unit websites still be necessary?

#104 Otto matic Reiffel


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:07 PM

From what I've read there will be Mech stagger in the game, where if you hit a mech hard enough you knock it over or back or similar. My question is, what happens if you hit a jumping mech hard enough to cause stagger? Will it be knocked uncontrolled from the sky and take impact damage on landing? Will it be easier to cause stagger since it can't brace against the ground?

#105 Draxern


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:18 PM

Q - How will planetary conquest system work and will it be operational at release ?

Personly i feel that delaying the system maybe best if it is not ready as dont want a house being wiped off the map in 48 hours from release due to exploits or 4 am raids.

If the system not detailed and ready for release just put it on hold. until it is ready. Just have all the houses currently involved in peace talks and the players can raid and fight until its resolved.

Edited by Draxern, 03 June 2012 - 06:22 PM.

#106 RogueSpear


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 07:04 PM

Is there any more information you can provide us with about the metagame? My Corp is dying to know more about owning tertiary planets, what makes a planet primary/secondary/tertiary, what benefits does it supply, how do you win or lose a planet...all that kind of cool stuff. Do we get reduced drop costs if we have our own dropship? Can we buy our own dropship? Please! We beg you! Tell us more about this metagame of which you once spoke!

#107 Athena Hart


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 08:13 PM

Not sure if this has been asked before but here goes.

Will MWO be a free download via the MWO website or will we actually purchase a copy of the game which after the initial purchase becomes FTP?

#108 Masterofm


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 08:40 PM

What has been your greatest challenge in the beta so far and greatest success?

I'd personally love to find out what kind of snags you feel the game has been having and how you best plan to overcome it, as well as what players are most enjoying out of the game, and how they are playing it in fun and interesting ways.

#109 a rabid chihuahua


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 09:02 PM

gameplay question if I may? I noticed the jumping jenner in the screen shots and something was knawing in the back of my mind..If weapons..especialy AC's and such knock of your aim when hit, will they also screw up in-jump mechs? IE: knock them off their jump pattern?spin them left or right a bit ,and or i they get leg shot out while midjump will they crash and burn on landing? just wondering ? I did mention something in thread earlier be intersesting if we have AA radar and weapon combos for jumpers.lol. thx

#110 Mechpro


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 09:50 PM

Will we be able to rent servers from you or have access to practice servers? I'd like to be able to hold practice sessions with my teammates to go over strategies, study map, etc.. During the MW4 days I loved being able to host a server and practice for league matches or other similar matches We also held team competitions, played inter-team tournaments and much more. The multiplayer was by far my favorite aspect MW4. I developed great bonds with the people I spent hours a day practicing for team matches etc..

#111 Zerstorer Stallin


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 10:56 PM

Here we go:

1. I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan and don't see myself being able to play the beta, or for that matter the game till Dec (give or take).
If I purchase a founders pack, would I still get the bonuses from the time I START playing? So, for example, if I don't log in till Dec would I get two premium months, and such, at that time? I really want to support this game but I dont want to miss out on the extra's!

2. Can we get some clarification on how you accquire mechs. Will you start in lights and work your way up a tree like system to Assualts? Or will you be able to buy any mech from the get go?

3. Any time spent playing the table top game will tell you all mechs, even those of the same tonnage, are not equal. Will matches be based on tonnage, or a point system on the value of mechs in the match? I'd hate to see 4 on 4 matches (or more) with pretty much the same 2 mechs on each side. This problem really shines when the clans get involded, as a star of clan mechs can be valued as high as a company of innersphere mechs early in the war.

4. Does it physical hurt porting one of the best table top games of all time, to a online game? Due to how great it is and all.

Thank you,

#112 Obikirk


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 02:19 AM

How much earlier do we get to play the game if we buy the founders pack?

What is your planned release schedule for new mechs after launch?

Please can we get some info on a European launch? pretty please?

#113 pesco


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 04:21 AM

Are the fights for a mercenary contracts scheduled for a set time? I.e. so that the defending corp can make sure they have members on line at that time to actually defend their planet?

#114 Jost


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 05:41 AM

View PostRobby Vitriolic, on 03 June 2012 - 04:20 PM, said:

Would the purpose of dumping ammo be to reduce the chance of an explosion, or to reduce weight and increase mobility?

Yes. The tabletop rules allow for this. Consider the case where your weapon is destroyed, but the potentially explosive ammo remains. Ammo dumping allows you to remove that risk. It takes a turn motionless, as I recall. I've never actually seen anyone do it in a game, incidentally.

#115 Stalkerr


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 06:34 AM

My question:
- How do you plan to insert some of the personalities of the Inner Sphere (such as Victor Steiner-Davion) and Clans in the game? Will they just be mentioned in news updates, or will we actually get orders from some of these folks when we invade planets, etc for our factions? Will a member of the Live Team for the game ever drop into combat as Kai Allard-Liao, for example?

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