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New Modules: Cool Shot & Cool Boost Feedback

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#41 CommanderCaps


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:10 PM

I don't get it. Why even bother introducing such a thing like "Air Strike" or "Cool Flush" when the game itself is barely working. What do I need an "Air Strike" for if two to three player drop because their game crashed. And they can't even reconnect. Seriously, what year is this?
You can sell me all the bells and whistles you like - and I will happily buy them - if I got a working bike to ride. And not one with a missing tire and no saddle.

#42 Sulf


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:08 PM

The concept is ok but the implementation is lacking. What I'm looking at is a minor MC sink which is the closest this game has come to pay to win. (Still not there yet)

I won't be dumping mc on something I could get with gxp unlocks and this is more or less how it should be. The MC version should not be included.

Aside from that, this is basically a revival of the Repair and Rearm system but without the system. If you want coolant to be an option fine, that's great. The cost to worth ratio already tells me I don't want it. 40,000 is 1/3 to 1/2 match earnings. Before R&R was taken out is was simply a game where balance was not the point and the rich got the more costly builds. Now it's a matter of building a good build which is in a lot of ways the whole point. (I still think there was a point to R&R, it just didn't balance well when scaled with premium and founders and it didn't account for higher pay to a high cost build that actually did it's job well.)

Just setup your mechanics better so that it isn't such a pain.

#43 thoriumwolf


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:17 PM

i thout that we got rid of repair and re-arm so your great idea was to put in somthing just like it. the coolant Shot is a must if you want to stay competitive and you have to pay for it every time you use it. When they said that they had repair and rearm I did not play this game. It wasn't till some one said that they had gotten rid of repair and rearm that i even considered to play this game.

i do not want to work for the game so i can then enjoy it once i have enough c-bills and i wont. I'll stop playing.
it should not be a module because it is so much better then any of the other that i would never pick one of the other modules over the Cool Shot.If I had known that they were going to add this earlier i would not have spent my GXP on the other modules.

the cool shot needs it's own place. If you can't fix it take it out of the game, like you did with Mechs falling over, till it is balanced it is broken.

that being said, I WANT coolant, just not like it is implemented currently. I also want collisions, but the way it was implemented was broken, you removed it because you knew it was broken. that was the right move, and I hope you fix collisions and bring them back .

#44 Butane9000


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:41 PM

I intend to never use these. It is the exact opposite of what you said you would do. It's still P2W requiring players to take a drastically long time to grind out the general experience required for it. Considering the other more effective module skills are of similar or lesser cost they should always take precedence.

So that leaves you to buy the high end module with MC or buy the lesser modules with C-bills. We've been over this again and again. Also if you want to unlock the pilot skill tree slot faster you'll need premium time to shorten the grind or convert mech experience. Both of which cost real money and thus "pay 2 win."

Also the implementation with the module slots if a terrible idea to begin with and is terrible in current execution.

#45 qki


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:53 PM

stop yer whining, crybabies. It's far from Pay 2 Win - more like Pay Not To Suck Horribly, and you still suck anyway..

I really wish you people gave some thought to what you type. I run 'mechs without any Cool Shots - some of them with single, some with double heat sinks, and have no heat problems. If anything, heat will make me take my finger off the trigger, or decide between streaks and SRM6 on my commando (that still has SHS). Not once have I thought "boy, if only I had a coolant flush to help me win this fight".

If you try to build a SuperNova, you deserve to run hot. And a single use bit of cooling is hardly going to break designs that go "bweeeep! bweeep! bweeeep! heat level critical" with every third shot or so.

Cannot say from the user's perspective, but for someone who never needed to use it, I really couldn't care less. Especially that 40k bills for the 9 + 10k for the 6 is still a lot less than you get per match, so you can afford to run it 100% of the time and still turn a profit (a bit less than without it, but hey).

And it does nothing to break the heat game (for reasons mentioned above). As for more heat vs increased rof - this just shows how clueless you really are. In the TT, there are tons of heat-neutral designs that would never, ever run hot. If heat is to be a factor, generation must be higher than in the TT.

That said - there are tons of heat-neutral designs out there, so If you cross the redline regularily, it's the design's fault, not the system's.

And Butane - chill the efff out. Your grasp of P2W is below zero.

Paying to instantly get something other people have to grind for is NOT P2W. Paying for something other people CAN'T get (unless thay also pay) - that is P2W, and then only if the purchase gives you an edge, which it doesn't.

Edited by qki, 20 March 2013 - 02:56 PM.

#46 Atheus


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:42 PM

I'll be brief. I was astonished at the original announcement for the consumables, but even after balancing them to be equal between MC and C-Bills, I dislike the implementation. They're too expensive both in terms of GXP and C-Bills, but beyond that their mere presence in the game annoys me. I hate having to swap my modules around in the first place, so even if I didn't despise their existence and pricing, I would despise having to drop consumables into my mech every round. I don't even get that far, though. I haven't purchased any, I don't intend to, and at the end of the day I hope nobody else does either. What's more annoying, though, is that I know certain people will partake, and those people will probably pop 15-18 PPC's in my face all at once every so often causing my hair fall out faster.

#47 GorgoHammer


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 06:22 PM

View Postkiltymonroe, on 19 March 2013 - 11:08 PM, said:

The worst post. I'm a college student AND I have a job and I've still accrued about 50k GXP over the three months I've been playing. DHS are actually still very overpowered right now, and I like energy weapons.

Missed the mark on hero 'mechs too. Some of the hero 'mechs are good, most are crap, and there's really only one that's currently not suboptimal for competitive play (and even that one might be replaced by the Jagermech now).

Worst post ? Hey college kid, I was playing this game called Battletech and its roleplaying companion Mechwarrior about 20 years ago. You don't know how this game is suppose to be balanced or played, you only know about this new arcade game called Mechwarrior Online that plays more like BF3 or COD/BOPS for the XBOX360.

PGI made this into an arcade game by doubling the armor on the mechs and tripling the firing rate of the weapons. Fact is Double Heatsinks are suppose to double heat dissipation, so 10 heat sinks would be enough to handle 2 medium lasers firing every turn(10 seconds turns in Table Top rules). This ratio should have been maintained in MWO, but PGI made external double heatsinks less efficient at x1.4 of a single heatsink. That does not seem "over powered" to me, it seems "nerfed" to me.

So based on your results, it will take you a month of gameplay to earn the "Coolshot" module that someone spending MC can have immediately, I guess you are OK with that. A month of being outgunned by MC players.

The "Hero" mechs almost all have better hardpoints, loadouts, engines, speeds than the standard variants and again are immediately available to a cash player with MC to burn. Only MC players can buy these mechs.

Competitive play as you describe is all the mechs and mech build that take advantage or the current weapon, equipment and mech imbalances currently in the game. Which is why ECM and SRM and PPC are over represented in the builds of competitive players mechs.

Lol, the jagermech is actually a joke that looks like a competitive mech. Unless you think it can beat my Raven 3L or Stalker 3F PPC boat, which it can't . . .

Edited by GorgoHammer, 20 March 2013 - 06:27 PM.

#48 PsychoTurtle


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 07:31 PM

View PostGorgoHammer, on 20 March 2013 - 06:22 PM, said:

Fact is Double Heatsinks are suppose to double heat dissipation, so 10 heat sinks would be enough to handle 2 medium lasers firing every turn(10 seconds turns in Table Top rules).

So based on your results, it will take you a month of gameplay to earn the "Coolshot" module that someone spending MC can have immediately, I guess you are OK with that. A month of being outgunned by MC players.

The "Hero" mechs almost all have better hardpoints, loadouts, engines, speeds than the standard variants and again are immediately available to a cash player with MC to burn. Only MC players can buy these mechs.

First, I played TT and MW too. I want what we have here. This isn't TT. We don't have "turns". You have to react constantly. Quit bitching that this plays like COD of BF. That's just blatantly untrue.

Second, No, MC paying players don't get 9x9. They get 18. 9x9 is a permanent upgrade to an item that you pay moon-bucks for. 18 costs them. Every match. Forever. It's a trade off.

Third, How many Hero Mechs have ECM? Oh, that's right. So there ARE C-Bill mechs that have advantages over them. Silly me, by your remarks I gathered that wasn't the case.

You're pissed because the game we've all wanted for 10+ years is here, doesn't demand a dime from you, and does reward people who DO decide to give them some money. You do NOT have to pay to win. I blow up Hero mechs all the time. I don't win every match, or even most of them. I do have fun though, and I've never thought that had I spent some money that my performance would have been better.

Entitled Douchebaggery, all around.

Edited by PsychoTurtle, 20 March 2013 - 07:33 PM.

#49 CrazyPenguin


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:44 PM

View PostPsychoTurtle, on 20 March 2013 - 03:18 PM, said:


How about this.

Instead of trying to nickle and dime its playerbase, overpricing things and requiring ridiculous amounts of money for small exchanges, PGI makes a good game. One that people will want to pay money for. A game where people play for a long time not because of a team of psychologists giving input to how to best convince players that they will be awarded if they play for another five minutes, but rather, a game people want to play because of the entertainment inherent in the game itself.

People still play Counter Strike and Star Craft competitively, and neither of those games have a grind. Dwarf Fortress pulls in over three thousand dollars per month, and has done so for several years, using only donations. Minecraft made Notch a millionaire, and player had to spend just a single small fee to purchase the game and all future content at once.

Players are perfectly willing to spend money on a good game. Make a good game, and profit will follow. Focus on profits however, and you alienate followers and dig a non-sustainable-hole for yourself where your company is held aloft by people who play your game until the NextP2WGame comes along. Cool Shot is a sign of PGI heading down the latter path.

Besides, why not use the in-canon Coolant Pod? They weights 1 ton, take up a slot, explode like ammunition, and cause all of your heat sinks to sink an additional heat that turn. Worse in every way than cool shot, but in-canon, not consumable (except in the idea that ammunition is consumable as it comes back every game), and not "free" heat.

#50 PsychoTurtle


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 09:10 PM

This game could have been WoW...with all of it's bullsh*tery. Instead it's WoT with better fiction and, personally for me anyway, more engaging game play. It's not nickle and dimeing you if it's not required. I bought a founders package. I consider that equal to buying a hard copy. $60 is the going rate at this point. I haven't spent another dime on this game. I have two mechs in my bay, I have a couple of customizing items and I have probably 100s of hours of enjoyment. I plan on spending more on this game, but I have yet to feel like I'm missing out on anything because I don't. None of the stuff you can "buy" will make you better at the game. The coolant thing is just another obstacle on the field. Play through.

#51 Duncan Jr Fischer


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 11:10 PM

Most of those who nag and complain never really used the item itself. There is nothing imbalancing in a one time minor cooling, it just cannot make any difference, especially if you are 'masterful' enough to overheat constantly or just saving money on heat sinks and think it will compensate. For all the others it just gives one chance per battle to try and save themselves from one critical overheat, and not save completely, just barely. Like someone have called it before, it's just a single use emergency button that makes very little difference in battle.
I understand, that most complaints are on the buying side, but guys, you tend to forget that it does not make or break games, no. It's not a-must in any way.
I've bought it, I tried it, it's a nice minor help on the battlefield, and I can afford it, but I do not use them anymore. It's much more comfortable for me to calculate my DPS cycles, to manage my heat without going to extreme situations. The very thought that I have a little heat backup causes some dischord to my own in-battle state, I start to think that I CAN overheat once. And then I quickly find myself overheating ALL the time. While knowing that I have no saving options keeps me concentrated and cool.
Just think again, it takes lots of time to achieve this little helper in the full of its potential, which is still not much, and it costs money to use it regularly, but maybe you should concentrate more on how to pilot without such backups?
Cause those pilots who really think they need coolant all the time are not going to be saved by some Cool Shots)))

And yes, I too would be pleased much more to see the canon Coolant Pod instead of such comsumables. Coolant Pod is a well balanced piece of equipment with its risks, and finally it has its weigh on the battlemech, it's not making coolant out of the thin air.
I hope not to see consumable ECM.

Edited by Duncan Jr Fischer, 20 March 2013 - 11:21 PM.

#52 Mad Elf


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 02:42 PM

I'm still undecided as to the Play to Win aspect. 500+ games to earn enough GXP sounds rather a lot, and if I use MC to convert XP, I've paid for it.

I certainly don't like the "coolant from nowhere" aspect. This should weigh something, and take up crits. As it is, it's neither more nor less than sheer magic... and this isn't supposed to be a sword & sorcery game.

Also... "consumables". Like, eg., ammo? And replacements for destroyed parts?

(I never bought into removing R&R from the game, it removed any element of caution from people's playing styles.)

Funny how one noobcrutch (removing the need to manage heat properly) totally goes against the concepts of another noobcrutch (never having to buy anything more than once).

So: pay to win, probably... nonsense physics, definitely... mocking the removal of R&R, probably...
That adds up to a negative vote overall.

Take it back out of the game, please. Replace it with the canon coolant pods if you must. (And bring back proper R&R!)

#53 Kargarok


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 06:49 AM

Should add an option where these things get auto-reequiped if used.

#54 No Recoil


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 07:19 AM

this is a crap way to go about things.. even though others want to say it is not P2W it is and I don't like it personally. I myself will more then likely stop playing this game now that this crap has been brought into the game, there is really no damn need for it other then to make MWO like every other pos MMO style game out there where the guy with no life can grind the good things and everyone else can f*** off... seriously. I need to speak to my buddy about things but yeah I think I am done now thanks for ruining the gaming experience.

#55 ho1mes


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 08:47 AM

I don't see what the big deal is. I like them. I unlocked cool boost and buy a cool shot6 for my hotter builds. Don't really use it all that much, maybe 40 - 50% of the time. Gives that last little oomph when you need it. Not overpowering at all I don't think. I'm 800 GXP from cool shot 9x9 so we'll see then.. Nice work devs. :D

#56 SJ MetalDeath


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 09:16 AM

trolling if ever

#57 AnubiteGroove


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 12:16 PM

I've run across enough megaboats with Coolant Flush and died from 2/3 consecutive alphas to be really tired of them. My K:D has gone to hell ever since they were released. Straight there, too. I like the tactics of heat management, and this just gives a team a kill or two per every P2W player out there who is half good.

I also don't enjoy the thought of airstrikes and such. Can we have any greater P2W than that? In an old MW, at least you had to pilot them and they could be shot down, but I want mech vs. mech, no clear advantage. Imagine CoD with no killstreaks, but purchasable consumables for missiles and gunships. CoD, another game I want this one to avoid conforming to, and another gaming mindset I want FAR away from MWO.

That's my two cents.

#58 Gixx


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Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:56 AM

Of course you're going to have a hard time with players who buy MC. You're supposed to. That's how the game is designed. They want you to spend money. You know, that thing they had to spend to MAKE IT?!

I honestly can't understand why anyone who was willing to play this game wouldn't be willing to PAY FOR IT!

Do you think the developers are robots who just make games endlessly without sleep, food, or families?

If you want to know why this game won't be released traditionally: LOOK AT THE SALES RECORDS FROM PREVIOUS TITLES!

Mechwarrior was a dying franchise that had been passed around so much even it's momma knew it was a ****.

I, personally, am grateful to PGI and it's developers. This game is great so far.

Sure there are some kinks to work out. And not everyone is going to agree with everyone else about everything. But just because you can't afford to put money into MWO doesn't mean you're entitled to ***** out and whine to the people trying to make a living off of it, nor the people who are helping them do it.

#59 ArmageddonKnight


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Posted 23 March 2013 - 12:15 PM

My feedback is simple. I havnt used them, to expensive and not worth it in the current fast passed game styles currently available.

Edited by ArmageddonKnight, 23 March 2013 - 12:15 PM.

#60 ThinkTank


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Posted 23 March 2013 - 12:25 PM

canon coolant pods would be ok. weightless coolant that takes up no crit spaces is not ok.

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