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How Is The Jagermech? [Poll Added!]

136 replies to this topic

Poll: ... (145 member(s) have cast votes)

10 being best mech, 1 being worst

  1. 10 Absolute best mech (11 votes [7.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.59%

  2. 9 (3 votes [2.07%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.07%

  3. 8 (32 votes [22.07%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.07%

  4. 7 (29 votes [20.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

  5. 6 (19 votes [13.10%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.10%

  6. 5 (15 votes [10.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.34%

  7. 4 (14 votes [9.66%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.66%

  8. 3 (6 votes [4.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.14%

  9. 2 (5 votes [3.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.45%

  10. 1 Absolute worst mech (11 votes [7.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.59%


#121 Royalewithcheese


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:39 PM

View PostEternal Hunter, on 19 March 2013 - 09:32 PM, said:

Yeah, Dual AC20 was the only build i was somewhat happy with when tinkering in mechlab - It had speed, heat seemed ok with DHS, and ofc good alpha. But with the large hitboxes and having to go XL engine, it's kinda meh.

Yeah, if you're not going to go XL on that thing you might as well go boomcat so you don't need to waste tonnage on arms. I think it really does come down to whether the ~15 kph the jagerbomb has on the boomcat is enough to justify the Cataphract torsos. Honestly I have no idea, but they'll both probably end up being fun in pugs regardless of which one the hivemind decides is optimal. Also there may or may not be a way to run the Jagermech in its intended role as long-range fire support, but I wouldn't know anything about that sort of non-brawling nonsense :P

Edited by Royalewithcheese, 19 March 2013 - 09:40 PM.

#122 M4rtyr


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:47 PM

Don't know how it plays, not my style..

But think it look more like the rifleman which is cool to me. Never liked the Jager look and feels kinda like being sneaky about an unseen.

#123 SteelyDan


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:04 PM

Well, I did it... :P
I bought a Dakka Dakka Jagermiester...
Damn it! That's what should have called it! :unsure:
First thing I did, dropped that XL like a call from a bill collector!
Second thing, got rid of the AC/2, but kept the MLs, you never know about those UAC/5s jamming like a Jamacain House Party...
Third... messed with the armour, tweak here, dropped there, and when I learn how I can get rid of the Ferro Fiborus Armour, I can get the Endo Steel structure...
And then It's on!! :rolleyes:
Do I like it? So far so good...

#124 Mister Haha


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:11 PM

View PostRoyalewithcheese, on 19 March 2013 - 03:57 PM, said:

Outside of head issues, what's your take on the RT/LT size? Viable?

Not really sure. Since there's a lot of min/max builds one good shot will waste you until you've cranked the armor to full. Can be a little difficult to find the space, but once you do it's alright. Definitely not the best mech out there, but fun to pilot.

#125 PropagandaWar


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:13 PM

My buddy was headshotted all night, yet my CT was what got blown out even with an XL. I liked the varient I came up with for the dd. Ill get the missle mech shortly and test it. I gave it an 8.

#126 Khobai


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:19 PM


There's an AC40 dragon? Why was I not informed?

Dual AC/20s is a terrible loadout for the Jagermech. Jagermechs get headshotted very easily at brawling distances. The K2 is far superior at running dual AC/20s. Really the only viable build for a Jagermech right now is long range to avoid getting headshotted.

And yes the Jagermech is similar to the Dragon in that it has way more hardpoints than it can effectively use at its tonnage level. The reason being: the Jagermech, like the Dragon, is dependent on heavy ballistic weapons for the bulk of its damage.

What the Jagermech and Dragon both need is a better selection of light ballistic weapons. MG and AC/2 both need to be buffed. And new ballistic weapons need to be added to fill the 2-5 ton gap that currently exists. Because right now all the ballistic options are way too heavy.

Edited by Khobai, 19 March 2013 - 10:25 PM.

#127 Arrogusss


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:34 PM

I love it, but April Fools day isn't for a week or two.
WHY RELEASE a mech design that is so obviously flawed when you had months to tweak it?
Like they don't already know how bad the armor is and how the hitbox is all F'ed up. What... they just design it all up and never play in house with it? answer the question "devs" if thats what eveyone calls them.
Why wait months to fix the Assault Raven? Isn't that what the patch launcer is for, can't slip in a little 1 minute update here and there? So we have to wait what, a few months for the Jager fix?
I am not that great AT ALL, only played now about 3 weeks, but PGI knows how much money they've sucked from me and if scamming me tonight with this JAGER let down is really what this game is about, well... I'm just upset 15 million plus cbills later. I should just go tear sht up with my Cicadas but keep going back in for More and More brutal death with my newly bought made in China version of a Jager.
I wanted the German made ones!!!

#128 unusedname


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:37 PM

I imagine once the armor is buffed and the hit box is corrected we won't be suffering.

#129 Mr 144


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 10:46 PM

Keep in mind, not many people are dumping GXP on pilot skills right now with coolant flushes and upcoming artillery/airstrikes decimating the stockpile. Basic Skills, Elite Skills, and Elite Multiplier will make a huge impact on the sluggish mack truck feel of the jager.

The head hitbox needs a fix...the missile splash damage bug seems to murder the chassis...and everyone is experimenting. I gotta hold off judgement for a couple weeks until all these things are fixed and I've mastered all 3 variants.

The one plus side, it is IMHO the most accurate double UAC platform available...not suffering from convergence issues, while having excellent range of motion. Very few wasted shots...now if I could only stay alive long enough to use all my ammo :P ...BAMN! Headshot to the back!

Mr 144

Edited by Mr 144, 19 March 2013 - 10:47 PM.

#130 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 11:17 PM

View PostButane9000, on 19 March 2013 - 03:23 PM, said:

That looks awesome.

Every heavy and assault mech has been easy to headshot at their launch. PGI will fix the head hitbox in time.

As long as we mention it often enough... Not that they think it's not as bad this time around and don't need to change anything...

#131 SgtMagor


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:24 AM

I like my J6-A stock mech, put out a lot of pain with 2 lrm15, finish with some Ac2 dakka dakka... cant vote cause its the only heavy mech I tried so far, been to busy with my BoneTower...

Edited by SgtMagor, 20 March 2013 - 01:31 AM.

#132 PurpleNinja


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:42 AM

It's a head with legs and cannons.

:huh: :wacko:

#133 Voidcrafter


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 04:02 AM

I find it one of the best mechs currently, but it's because I wanted missiles(more than 1) + ballistics(atleast 2 slots) + some energy(atleast 2) on a mech that can go 70+km/h soo badly...
The only problem is the giant head-box.
I thought actually that JMs were going to be glass cannons, I was actually very exited to see that you can top their armor a way higher than I expected.
I think it's a versality on the battlefield that were badly needed since the time I started playing this game.
D-DCs and STALKERs, you have something to be afraid of now.
Cause I'll be out there :huh:

#134 Cataphract


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 04:51 AM

Jager has one glaring weakness. Massive head hit box. LRMs head shot you any time you take front damage. You can die simply by your opponent taking snap shots on or around your face(insert innuendo). Jagers are way too easy to kill. Once splash damage is removed and hopefully it gets a hit box adjustment on the head I'd be willing to rate it at least an 8. Its a really solid mech discounting some obvious balance flaws at the moment.

#135 Royalewithcheese


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 05:06 AM

View PostMr 144, on 19 March 2013 - 10:46 PM, said:

one plus side, it is IMHO the most accurate double UAC platform available...not suffering from convergence issues, while having excellent range of motion. Very few wasted shots...now if I could only stay alive long enough to use all my ammo :) ...BAMN! Headshot to the back!

Mr 144

Although I suspect you were right about those side torsos haha - not really an upgrade in that department over the Cataphract. Although to be fair it's kinda hard to figure out what's going on with hitboxes since it's currently ~50% head :)

#136 jakucha


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 05:10 AM

7-8, probably 8 once hitbox is fixed. You should also take away 10 from the poll, that slot is reserved for Urbanmech only.

#137 Egomane


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 05:27 AM

While it does not contain a poll, we do have an official feedback thread for the jagermech. Please continue your discussion about the mech over there. Thank you!



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