xbodyshot, on 20 March 2013 - 01:24 PM, said:
Alright, so this is a tricky one...
I was affected by this all yesterday and found no solution to fix the mech stopping when either typing or looking at map (with throttle decay turned off), including client restarts, toggling throttle decay on/off both ingame/main menu, entering and exiting ingame/client leaving setting toggeled on/off before (figuring it might be a "state" issue that was not self correcting because of how the system checks these things)
Without find a solution I completely turned my computer off last night, something I hardly ever do, when I started fresh 8h later the problem had disappeared game was behaving normally and the mech continued to move while typing or in map.
Knowing that I was not insane and refusing be "that guy" who says... "oops problem solved itself as soon as I called", I started doing some testing.
After running a full game with no problems, I switched throttle on (ingame) then off (immediately). BINGO! problem is back. Here is fraps
Video: http://youtu.be/_yEw6h4SxSg
The problem then stayed consistent through a hard restart and additional client restarts.
After switching the throttle decay off in Main menu (not ingame) then doing a client restart the problem was gone, but after triggering the bug again and doing additional testing that fix has yet to work again...
Soo... OH NOOOO!!! I have screwed myself in the name of science!
Anyway that is where I am now, I have found no reliable way to fix it but a 100% reliable way to trigger it. (for my computer anyway, since I assume its some sort of "state" issue with something on my client)
When the bug is active (aka throttle decay off) if I exit typing or exit the map, my set throttle (not actual speed) will immediately be set to MAX regardless of what my initially set throttle was before typing or checking the map. (uninformed guess: the bug has to do with how the game checks throttle decay status during these actions and that somehow it is getting out of sync so that it assumes throttle decay is ON during those actions, but realizes it is off during the rest of the time and defaults to MAX throttle)
System Specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1)
16 Gigs DDR3 RAM
GeForce GTX 670
Intel i5-3570K CPU (OC)
I have this bug as described, with the addittion that when the throttle goes to MAX, it goes to MAX reverse.