Paired with two ERPPCs i could give some damage out and we had some good rounds yesterday.
But what about the MGs only?
First discovery, you don't need 16.000 bullets, you'll never run out. 3-4 tons should be enough.
Second. you're like a shotgun-player in planetside 2 - get near or get out. Especially on the new map i didn't kill anything, in some rounds i didn't even release some dakka because no one there to shoot.
And third: you won't do nothing against heavy armor. I just tried it in test valley, to core an Atlas you need roughly 1000-2000 bullets and it takes time like forever. Whoever tries this will be dead long before he take down the armor.
IF you can find someone without armor, crit-seekers work very well, it'll kill items in no time. But this is a tricky thing, when you manage to kill the armor on that section (with the erppcs for example) you can finish him off faster. But it is hilarious to disable a splatcat or an lrm atlas and leave them unarmed