Tigridor, on 03 April 2013 - 06:58 PM, said:
ok after the last patch or update, i don`t know wat was it.
I think the suggestion was not be read by IGP or PGI, after weeks of 1clickboating, many many people have good ideas in the forum,
but nothing happend to balancing in any way. so people don´t wast your time to reed our tread, and don´t vote anymore.
I don´t poste or read anymore in the forum from MWO it will be unread.
here is a little last think to read!!!!
From Chris Roberts
Publishers are useful in the old physical distribution world, but the Internet is the great equalizer. Notch didn’t need a publisher to reach 20-million Minecraft fans. Riot games didn’t need a publisher to reach 30-million League of Legends players, and Wargaming.net didn’t need a publisher to reach 20-million World of Tanks gamers. If we were building a big “AAA” console game it would be crazy to try without a publisher. But we want to build a PC game and publishers increase costs because of their need to recoup their sizable overhead cost. We want to make sure all the money raised goes directly to the development of the game. So we’re throwing ourselves on the mercy of the PC gamers out there that share our vision and passion for the platform and the space combat genre to raise money outside of the “cartel” of traditional publishers. The game will cost less, be more creatively pure, and, most importantly, be built for the real “core” audience – not some corporate suit worried about including all the casual gamers.
so than Forum BYE BYE!!
Yes, i totally agree on Chris Roberts sight, and damn, PGI said, far far behind, this game will be for the fans of BT/MW, i say, without a publisher, and with Kickstarter, they would have made enough, if not even far more money for developing MWO as they intended, there are far far more BT fans in the world as they think. Look how many money they even made with us founder, so the publisher sucked it up, for his other projects.
Even if PGI want to make it like they intended, they dont have the chance, cause the pressure from above, and thats why more fragmentet patches come and sale stuff. Sad, but true.
Finally games like Elite Dangerous and Star Citizens, are coming, as they were planned, even Heavy Gear Assault is coming as they were visioned. Mybe one day, someone makes another BT game, if over Crowdfounding, i will help, but never again, buying a Founderpack from a game with Publisher.
If the thread gets closed, cause the truth is sayed, and everyone can see, what happens with MWO, then close it.