Vote Abstain.
I think the idea to restrict loadouts has some merits, but I think the presented way is far too complicated and in many ways restrictive.
I´d personally rather favour a system that goes by weapon "impact", rather than weapon type. For example, have a mech with 3 energy HP, but it cant have more than one "big impact" energy weapon (PPC for example), and 2 more "low impact" energy weapons (medium laser etc.). Alternative easier but less varied method: high impact weapons consume 2 weapon slots; so the 3 energy HP Mech can only carry a PPC and one more energy weapon in that area.
One could also think about a maximum "firepower" limit. A given Mech has 100 firepower maximum. Adding a high impact weapon like a PPC will give,say, 20 firepower. Adding a second PPC will add 20 more firepower PLUS 50% on top (so we´re at 20+30=50 firepower now). A third PPC would give 20+(50%+100%). So 3 PPCs have 20+30+50=100 firepower, maxing out this given mechs firepower limit, regardless of tonnage left. If the player went with three different "high impact" weapons (say PPC, ER Laser and an AC10) it would only give 20+20+20, leaving 40 more firepower to fill. (these are just arbitrary numbers to demonstrate the concept)
Different Mechs and different variants thereof will deliver varied firepower limits and/or high/low impact hardpoint restrictions. The choice of engine could also have an impact; a heavy engine may give a higher firepower lmit but through its nature lower available tonnage. Clan Omnimechs could be special in giving higher comparative firepower, but also higher penalty for stacking the same weapons - or the other way around, lower firepower limit but less penalty for stacking same weapons.
The point of both systems is to leave customization options largely intact, yet prevent loading too much of the same weapons. This is just a rough, quick idea, the basic aim of all is, for me, a varied loadout is harder to play and should therefor have a certain hard bonus.
Tigridor, on 03 April 2013 - 06:58 PM, said:
here is a little last think to read!!!!
From Chris Roberts
Publishers are useful in the old physical distribution world, but the Internet is the great equalizer. [...] But we want to build a PC game and publishers increase costs because of their need to recoup their sizable overhead cost. We want to make sure all the money raised goes directly to the development of the game. ...
I know that Chris Roberts quote touches many gamers in all the right spots, but it is not exactly relevant outside of his bubble. It portrays it as if publishers were only there to siphon off revenue. It also ignores that even without a publisher, a games developer will ALWAYS have to work towards being profitable over being "artistically free". Third, it claims that without a publisher, all the money goes into game development - he should know better. There are things publishers do, from marketing to QA to accounting etc. that HAS to be done, and if the publisher doesnt do it, the game studio has to do it themselves - the costs of these things are inevitable. Fourth, it completely denies that anything good for the health of the game can come from the "corporate suits", which is as simplistic in the game world as it is in any other business. It was the "corporate suit" side of Steve Jobs for example that made Apple the company it is today.
One of the "most hated" publishers might be EA. Yet there are studies that show the metascores of EA games to be higher than average. So they must be doing something right. LoL/WoT/Minecraft may have millions of accounts. that says nothing about how many active players there are. All the publisher free internet distribution does is decrease overhead costs a bit. It does NOTHING to directly improve a games´ quality.
There are two main reasons why Chris Roberts´ project is so well received. First, a dearth of high-profile space sims. But second, the incredibly good name Chris Roberts has because of the hugely successful Wing Commander universe - developed and made successful through a publisher, even if it was the same company in this case.
Edited by Agentpony, 15 April 2013 - 01:37 AM.