No, I'm not trolling. When you have arm lock disabled (i.e. pre march-19th-state), the arm and torso reticle are only aligned on top of each other while not twisting your torso.
I've seen a lot of posts "arm lock is for noobs", but I don't think that is the case. Since you can toggle it (holding down shift) in-game, it is a new feature that cannot be emulated by skill.
Visualization: Arm lock disabled, using a joystick mapped to "torso twist" to achieve constant "torso twisting" speed. These are clips that exclude torso twist acceleration. Note: this has nothing to do with analog turning.
First video: low "torso twisting" speed

Second video: high (but not max) "torso twisting" speed

What I see here is that the torso could move faster in the first video (to catch up with arm reticle) but it does not. Instead, both reticles move at the same speed, keeping the offset between them constant.
Per default, your mouse X axis is mapped to something called "torso twist" that controls both arm and torso movement. For example: you move your mouse at 10 % of max torso twist speed. Then your arm will move to 10 % (some constant percentage) of its max range, until max torso twist range is reached. Since the arm is attached to torso, that means your arm reticle will lead torso movement, so the reticles are not on top of each other.
No, the torso is not too slow to follow the arm movement. You can see that in the two videos above. It's the current implementation of how arm and torso movement are combined w/o arm lock:
InnerSphereNews, on 07 March 2012 - 11:03 AM, said:
(emphasis mine)
Since I think both modes (arm lock on/off) have unnecessary disadvantages, I've also posted a suggestion how you could combine the advantages.
Top players can benefit from arm lock e.g. if they want to focus fire on a moving target.
Moving target
=> you follow with your reticles using what's called "torso twist" (mouse X axis).
w/o arm lock
=> reticles not aligned during torso twist
=> shoot torso and arm weapons at the same time = hit 2 different locations
w/ arm lock
=> reticles aligned during torso twist
=> shoot torso and arm weapons at the same time = hit the same location
Edited by Phaesphoros, 21 March 2013 - 10:25 AM.